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Monday, 30 May 2011

Publishing on Internet: Tools and Ideas - Research Supervision - ANU

Ideas & Tools

Nader Ale Ebrahim, a doctoral candidate at the university of Malya argues that the internet can be used effectively to disseminate one's research, for e.g.:

Useful questions to ask yourself:

What communication media best suit your discipline?

How are candidates supported in utilising these media?

What particular skills are required for different forms of communication?

Publishing on Internet: Tools and Ideas - Research Supervision - ANU

Proceedings International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM 2010)

ID: 172

Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, and Zahari Taha (Malaysia)


Sunday, 29 May 2011

Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. :: European Journal of Scientific Research :: August 2009 -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN 1450-216X Vol.34 No.3 (2009), pp.297-307

Summary: Innovation plays a central role in economic development, at regional and national level. In the competitive environment companies are obliged to produce more rapidly, more effectively and more efficiently in new product development which is a result of research and development (R&D) activities. It is necessary for them to put together different capabilities and services with the goal, through cooperation between suppliers and customers, service providers and scientific institutions to achieve innovations of high quality. Depending on the type of industry, the type of business, the type of innovation and the strategic objectives that have been set, firms will regularly have to modify the way in which their R&D and innovation is organized. Nowadays shift from serial to simultaneous and parallel working in innovation has become more commonplace. Literatures have shown that collaboration is as a meta-capability for innovation. By a comprehensive reviewing of literature this article after define a virtual teams and its characteristics, addressing virtual environments innovation and the relationship to R&D activities. Finally conclude that innovation cannot be successful unless the knowledge and information in the R&D project are effectively captured, shared and internalized by the R&D project's virtual team members.

Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. :: European Journal of Scientific Research :: August 2009 -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia

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HAL :: [hal-00593360, version 1] Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team

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Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team - Team Collaboration News - FriendFeed

World's biggest Open Access English Language Journals Portal - OPEN J-Gate

1Virtual Teams For New Product Development – An Innovative Experience For R&D Engineers
2Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team

World's biggest Open Access English Language Journals Portal - OPEN J-Gate

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Conference Papers

  1. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development. In: National Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (DECON) 2008, 28 to 29 October 2008 Melaka, Malaysia.

  2. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development. In: The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and the 11th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, 3 - 5 December 2008 Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia. Printed in Bandung, INDONESIA, by Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung: Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung, 795-806.

  3. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy. In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, 29-30 June 2008 IRIB Int'l. Conference Center, Tehran, Iran.

  4. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). New Product Development in Virtual Environment. In: LI-HUA, R., EGBU, C., ZHAO, Z. & LU, L., eds. 2008 International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, 21st – 23rd October, 2008 2008 UIBE, Beijing, China. CAMOT and MOTSC, UIBE, 203 - 218.

  5. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). R&D Networking and value Creation in SMEs R&D Networking and value Creation in SMEs. In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, 29-30 June 2008 IRIB Int'l. Conference Center, Tehran, Iran.

  6. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Virtual Environments Innovation and R&D Activities: Management Challenges. In: Proceedings of the International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES'08), 23 - 24 December 2008 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 116.

  7. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Virtual R&D Teams for NPD in SMEs: Past, Present and Future Trend. In: APCMOTTE2008 (Asia pacific Conference on Management of Technology and Technology Entrepreneurship) 29-30, October 2008 Melaka ,Malaysia.

  8. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2008). Virtual R&D Teams: a Sustainable Infrastructure for Promoting SMEs. In: 2nd Engineering Conference (EnCon 2008), 18-19, December 2008 Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 217-223.

  9. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). SMEs: ERP or Virtual Collaboration Teams. In: First Enterprise Resource Planning conference, January 27-28 Tehran, Iran. 1-12.

  10. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process. In: 2nd Seminar on Engineering and Information Technology, (SEIT 2009), 8th - 9th July 2009 Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 191-196.

  11. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). SMEs and Virtual R&D Teams: A Motive Channel for Relationship between SMEs. In: IBRAHIM, F., CHOW, C.-O. & MEKHILEF, S., eds. The International Conference for Technical Postgraduates (TECHPOS 2009), 14-15 December 2009 The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1-7.

  12. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Virtual R&D Teams: Innovation and Technology Facilitator In: Engineering Education in 2025, 11-12 May,2009 School of Engineering and Technology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. University of Tehran, 1-14.

  13. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Virtual Teams and Management Challenges. In: 1st Executive MBA Conference 2009, 18-19, May, 2009 Tehran, Iran.

  14. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Virtual Teams for NPD – an Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. In: International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2009, 24-25, June, 2009 Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Malaysia. University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2009, 1036-1045.

  15. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Virtuality, innovation and R&D activities. In: HOON, T. B. & GALEA, S. R., eds. 14th International Conference on Thinking (2009 Malaysia) -Theme "Thinking Minds: Nurturing the Design of a Better Future", 22-26 June 2009 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia, 515-529.

  16. ALE EBRAHIM, N., SHAFIA, M. A. & TAHBAZ TAVAKOLI, H. (2009). Virtual R&D team: Technology Transfer Facilitator. In: IAMOT 2009 -The 18th International Conference on Management of Technology, April 5-9 2009 Orlando, Florida, USA. 10.

  17. SHAFIA, M. A., ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Consideration of the virtual team work and disabled citizens, as promising opportunity providers for the e government infrastructure's formation. In: The Second Conference on Electronic City (e-city 2009), 24-25, May, 2009 Tehran, Iran. 959-966.

  18. SHAFIA, M. A., ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2009). Innovation Process is Facilitated in Virtual Environment of R&D Teams. In: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN09), 6th-8th July 2009 Barcelona, Spain. 2157-2166.

  19. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2010). Benefits and Pitfalls of Virtual R&D Teams: An Empirical Study. In: 6th International Communication & Information Technology Management Conference (ICTM 2010) February. 23-24, 2010 Tehran, Iran.

  20. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2010). Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team. In: International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM2010) January. 9-10, 2010 Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  21. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. (2010). Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business. In: International Conference on Entrepreneurship Across Boundaries, 2010 Section For Co-curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives and TITAS, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1-5.

  22. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. (2010). The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. In: The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2010), 7 – 10 December 2010, Melaka, Malaysia. 1-6.

  23. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., RASHID, S. H. A. & TAHA, Z. (2010). Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. In: 2010 2nd International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2010), 8th - 9th December Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-9.

Nader Ale Ebrahim

"Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Management by Objectives"

Equipos virtuales de I&D en PYMES: repaso de la literartura

"Virtual R&D Teams in Small and Medium Enterprises: A Literature Review" Free Download - Scientific Research and Essays, Vol. 4, No. 13, pp. 1575–1590, December 2009 - NADER ALE EBRAHIM, University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, SHAMSUDDIN AHMED, University of Malaya (UM) y ZAHARI TAHA, University of Malaya (UM)

Las empresas pequeñas y medianas (pymes) son el motor del crecimiento económico. Mientras las pymes desempeñan un rol crítico en generar empleo y sostener el comercio, enfrentan diversos desafíos, los más destacados entre ellos, la necesidad de responder a la aceleración del time-to-market, bajar el costo y soluciones rápidas para problemas organizacionales complejos. Con este fin, el aspecto investigación y desarrollo (I & D) merece atención especial para promover y facilitar las operaciones de pymes. Un equipo de investigación virtual pueden ser una opción viable. No obstante, la literatura muestra que la formación de equipos virtuales en las pymes está en su infancia. Este artículo provee una amplia revisión de la literatura sobre diferentes aspectos de los equipos virtuales extraídas de reputadas publicaciones. El propósito de esta revisión del estado de las artes es proveer de un panorama de la estructura y la dinámica de la colaboración en I & D en Pymes. Especificando los fundamentos y la importancia de los equipos virtuales, se ha examinado la relación entre estos y las pymes. Se concluye con la identificación de las áreas no cubiertas por la literatura existente y que requieren futura investigación. Se argumenta que establecer una estructura para equipos virtuales de I & D en pequeñas empresas todavía requiere una gran cantidad de esfuerzos de ingeniería y atención de la alta gerencia.

"Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Management by Objectives"

"Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Management by Objectives"

Gerenciamiento de equipos de trabajo virtuales

"Virtual Teams and Management Challenges" Free Download- 1st Executive MBA Conference, Tehran, Iran, May 18-19, 2009 - NADER ALE EBRAHIM, University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, SHAMSUDDIN AHMED, University of Malaya (UM), ZAHARI TAHA, University of Malaya (UM)

El uso de equipos de trabajo virtuales en los negocios se ha vuelto importante debido a la globalización y los avances en las tecnologías la información y de la comunicación. En un ambiente competitivo, las empresas están obligadas a producir más rápidamente, más efectivamente y más eficientemente. Necesitan juntar diferentes capacidades y servicios, a través de cooperación entre proveedores y clientes, entre prestadores de servicio e instituciones científicas, para lograr los objetivos de la empresa con alta calidad. En la actualidad, los cambios del trabajo en serie al trabajo paralelo y simultáneo se han vuelto un lugar común. La literatura mostró que esta colaboración es una metacapacidad” para la empresa que la posee. Este artículo, después de definir a los equipos virtuales y sus características, trata de los ambientes virtuales, relacionándolos con los diferentes desafíos que las organizaciones tienen para lidiar con ellos, tales como desafíos de gerenciamiento y administración del empleo. Finalmente concluye que los gerentes de las compañías deben invertir menos en activos tangibles y más en los equipos virtuales, para generar conocimiento, y en la creatividad de sus empleados, para estimular innovaciones incrementales en la tecnología existente, las que generarán directamente su ventaja competitiva futura. Las empresas deben educar a todos, no solo a los empleados virtuales, en la cultura del equipo virtual, pero todos, empleados y empleadores deben entender los aspectos de trabajar con un equipo virtual.
"Antecedents to Innovation and Growth: Analyzing the Impact of Entrepreneurial Orientation and Management by Objectives"

UMIES 2011 Committee Members


Muhammad Firdhaus Che Hassan

Diya'uddeen Basheer Hasan
Deputy Director

Junainah Mohd Mahdee
Europe Malaysia Liaison Officer

Lau Mi Fung

Noorlainiewati Abdullah (PO)
Secretary of Registration & Publication

Nader Ale Ebrahim
Paper and Proceedings

Yasmin Mumtaz Ahmad
Paper and Proceedings

Ng Guan Chee
Logistics and Accomodation Secretary

Mohammad Abul Fazal
Secretary of Event & Protocol

Mohsen Rady
IT Secretary


People, process, technology – still the 3 keys to successful application development projects « The Smell of Good Business

See this article
Virtual Teams: A Literature Review
Available on

Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 2653-2669, 2009

In the competitive market, virtual teams represent a growing response to the need for fasting time-to-market, low-cost and rapid solutions to complex organizational problems. Virtual teams enable organizations to pool the talents and expertise of employees and non-employees by eliminating time and space barriers. Nowadays, companies are heavily investing in virtual team to enhance their performance and competitiveness. Despite virtual teams growing prevalence, relatively little is known about this new form of team. Hence the study offers an extensive literature review with definitions of virtual teams and a structured analysis of the present body of knowledge of virtual teams. First, we distinguish virtual teams from conventional teams, different types of virtual teams to identify where current knowledge applies. Second, we distinguish what is needed for effective virtual team considering the people, process and technology point of view and underlying characteristics of virtual teams and challenges they entail. Finally, we have identified and extended 12 key factors that need to be considered, and describes a methodology focused on supporting virtual team working, with a new approach that has not been specifically addressed in the existing literature and some guide line for future research extracted.

People, process, technology – still the 3 keys to successful application development projects « The Smell of Good Business

People, process, technology – still the 3 keys to successful application development projects « The Smell of Good Business

I found the following article reviewed an interesting topic which is related to the post.

SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review

Available on

International Journal of the Physical Sciences Vol. 5(7), pp. 916–930, July 2010

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Their continued growth is a major subject for the economy and employment of any country. Towards that end, virtual research and development (R&D) could be a viable option to sustain and ease the operations of SMEs. However, literature shows there has not been a great deal of research into the diverse characteristic of virtual R&D teams in SMEs. This article provides a comprehensive literature review on different aspects of virtual R&D teams collected from the reputed publications. The purpose of the literature review is to provide an outline on the structure and dynamics of R&D collaboration in SMEs. Specifying the rationale and relevance of virtual teams, the relationship between virtual R&D team for SMEs and new product development (NPD) has been examined. It concludes with identifying the gaps and feebleness in the existing literature and calls for future research in this area. It is argued to form of virtual R&D team deserves consideration at top level management for venturing into the new product development within SMEs.

People, process, technology – still the 3 keys to successful application development projects « The Smell of Good Business

Organizations and Cultures


“Groups of geographically, organizationally and/or time dispersed workers brought together by information technologies to accomplish one or more organization tasks”[1]

These teams must fulfill certain characteristics to be called virtual like for example its members must be geographically dispersed over different time zones, their communication must be possible through communication technologies, they are all driven by the same purpose, the team it’s not permanent, it’s usually of a small size, some of the members may be from different companies and they must be involved in cross boundary cooperation

There are different types of virtual teams and they all differ in terms of the number of people and the degree of interaction.

Telework: It’s all about telecommuting; it’s usually done outside the work place (fully or partially). It presents several advantages to the companies thinking of incurring in this, for instance it can be cost and time saving, it can allow workers to access the information from a remote location and it offers flexibility.

Virtual groups

A virtual group is a combination of a number of Teleworkers, who all report to the same boss, and they don’t have the same goals or objectives, they perform independent tasks and activities.

So a virtual team happens when the members of a virtual group interact with each other and this time they do have common goals.

Virtual Communities

They are larger entities usually initiated by one of the members. The member participation is done online and they also have common purposes, roles and norms.

What advantages do the virtual teams offer? Well they offer relocation of time and costs, they can link experts together even if they are in different locations, and they also enhance productivity making the time it takes to develop a new product smaller. They offer flexibility as well, as new changes are easier to introduce.

But they also may have some potential disadvantages like maybe the technology is very expensive to implement, the conceptual understanding of situation face to face is compromised, self-monitoring employees are needed, conflicts may arise over power, mistrust, etc.

What must a virtual team deliver to be effective? In the area of communication it must receive constant feedback, there must be clarity in the message and the communication must be on a constant. There must be understanding, meaning sensitivity, a value of opinions and empathy towards others. The role must be clear, the responsibilities, who has the authority and who is accountable; and leadership must be shown, assertiveness, good relationship building and keeping and consistency are mandatory requirements.

“If InterContinental were a sound….

The use of sound in a marketing strategy seems like a pretty good idea. It’s something that not everybody does and it can bring a greater degree of brand loyalty and association to any product or company. But can this be easily done? Can it be applied to any product or brand?

The experiment done by InterContinental and their idea to create a unique sound to identify the brand shows us that it is a good idea and that it can be very successful, but on the other hand it also shows the difficulty of achieving this goal.

As mentioned before it can bring advantages to any company, because it just adds to a brand or product. If your brand has a very well identifiable logo, or slogan or color and you add a sound, your brand equity will definitely grow making your brand much more competitive. The possible disadvantages that this may have is that sometimes a sound does not send a clear message about your brand or product, it can be not easily related to the product or even hurt its market positioning. But like I said before, when done properly it can be very successful and a great addition to the brand, so this poses more a challenge for the team in charge of making this happen, especially the area of communication.

Communication is all about a shared or common meaning, so we have a big challenge right off the back. We have to find a way to really capture the essence of our brand and our product in order to effectively communicate it to the public through sounds, so we might even come to the realization that a sound is not the proper strategy for our product.

Once decided to go with the sound and having identify a good option for it, now we must see if this sound sends a clear message of who we are, and here is where perceptions and the different ways people interpret something come to play, and they do play a significant role on whether this idea is a successful one or a failure. The company must pay close attention to what exactly are they saying with this sound or song, because for some people it can bring back a feeling of relaxation but for other just annoyance, or it can have a luxurious feel to some people but for others it may just be pretentious. And the message that you send with the sound must also be consistent with that of the other brand elements that make the product.

Other challenges may arise when you take into consideration some barriers that an effective communication face, like for instance age or gender, because the music that older like may not be the same young people like, or gender, men usually don’t like the same music as women. But when all this challenges are met and overcome, a sound strategy is great plus to have on your brand because sometimes it reaches more people, now radio is a great way to advertise the product without needing words or anything else but the sound.

[1] Source: Ebrahim, Nader Ale, Shamsuddin Ahmed, and Zahari Taha. 2009. "Virtual Teams: a Literature Review." Australian Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 3, no. 3: 2653-2669.

Organizations and Cultures

2011 Enterprise trends

Response for “2011 Enterprise trends”

  1. Regarding ‘Collaboration’ , I do believe “Virtual Teams will become as important as Web to companies”
    (Nader Ale Ebrahim). I have published some articles on the importance of SMEs collaborations .

2011 Enterprise trends

University Ranking

Nader Ale Ebrahim

As you are aware, On 30 October 2009, THE (Times Higher Education) broke with QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) and joined Thomson Reuters to provide a new set of world university rankings, called Times Higher Educati...on World University Rankings.
The 2010-11 Times Higher Education World University Rankings will use 13 separate indicators (up from just six under their old system) designed to capture a broad range of activities, from teaching and research to knowledge transfer.

These elements are brought together into five categories:

* Teaching — the learning environment (worth 30 per cent of the final ranking score)
* Research — volume, income and reputation (worth 30 per cent)
* Citations — research influence (worth 32.5 per cent)
* Industry income — innovation (worth just 2.5 per cent)
* International mix — staff and students (worth 5 per cent)

So, citation is most important issue in the new ranking system. We should concentrate to produce a good quality paper and advertise the publications by academic marketing tools.

University Ranking

Table of contents: collection - "Virtual R&D teams"

45Virtual Teams for New Product Development: An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
46SMEs; Virtual Research and Development (R&D) Teams and New Product Development: A Literature Review (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
47Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
48Virtual Teams: a Literature Review (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
49Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
50Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
51Inside the hybrid organization: An organizational level view of responses to conflicting institutional demands (date: 2011-05-19) Anne-Claire Pache
Filipe Santos
52Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Taha
53Quels effets de l'action publique sur les formes d'entrepreneuriat dans l'ESS ? (date: 2011-05-19) Céline Marival
54Virtual R&D Teams and SMEs Growth: A Comparative Study Between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs (date: 2011-05-19) Nader Ale Ebrahim
Shamsuddin Ahmed
Zahari Tah

Table of contents: collection - journl

EconPapers: "Virtual R&D teams"

2009: Virtual Teams for New Product Development: An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
2009: Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
2009: Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
2009: Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
2009: Virtual Teams: a Literature Review Downloads
Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha
EconPapers: Post-Print

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Thursday, 26 May 2011 | Papers in Operation Management

Work Together… When Apart Challenges and What is Need for Effective Virtual Teams

by Nader Ale Ebrahim


Increasingly competitive global markets and accelerating technological changes have increased the need for people to... more

Download | Papers in Operation Management

virtual team News and Other Resources | TechRepublic

virtual team News and Other Resources | TechRepublic

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Nader Ale Ebrahim's Public Maps

Online Collaboration Tools 2011...
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Best Virtual R&D Teams Papers (...
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Nader Ale Ebrahim - MindMeister

Online Collaboration Tools 2011 - Nader Ale Ebrahim - MindMeister Mind Map

Online Collaboration Tools 2011 - Nader Ale Ebrahim - MindMeister Mind Map

Monday, 23 May 2011

RePEc: Nader Ale Ebrahim

  • Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim & Taha, Zahari
  • SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • New Product Development in Virtual Environment (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • R&D Network and value Creation in SMEs (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Innovation Process is Facilitated in Virtual Environment of R&D Teams (paper, details)
    by Shafia, Mohammad Ali & Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Consideration of the virtual team work and disabled citizens, as promising opportunity providers for the e government infrastructure's formation (paper, details)
    by Shafia, Mohammad Ali & Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • A conceptual model of virtual product development process (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual teams: A literature review (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim & Taha, Zahari
  • Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual marketing in virtual enterprises (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Fattahi, Hamaid Ali & Golnam, Arash
  • R&D Management in Iran, Opportunities and Threats (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ghazizadeh, Ali & Golnam, Arash & Tahbaz Tavakoli, Hamid
  • Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges for R&D Management and the Role of the R&D Society for its Improvement – A Case Study in Iran (paper, details)
    by Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza & Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Golnam, Arash & Vasei, M. & Ghazizadeh-Moghaddam, Ali
  • Research, Development, Production and Performance of heavy duty CNG fleets in Iran (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Rostamnezhad, Maziar & Momeni, Ali
  • Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Taha, Zahari
  • Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs (paper, details)
    by Ale Ebrahim, Nader & Ahmed, Shamsuddin & Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim & Taha, Zahari
  • SMEs; Virtual Research and Development (R&D) Teams and New Product Development: A Literature Review (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Virtual Teams: a Literature Review (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Virtual R&D Teams and SMEs Growth: A Comparative Study Between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha
  • Virtual Teams for New Product Development: An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers (paper, details)
    by Nader Ale Ebrahim & Shamsuddin Ahmed & Zahari Taha

RePEc: Nader Ale Ebrahim