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Saturday, 1 November 2014

A Design Framework for Enhancing Virtual Team Learning in the Workplace | The Journal of Applied Instructional Design

A Design Framework for Enhancing Virtual Team Learning in the Workplace


Jeanette Andrade, University of Illinois

Wenhao David Huang, University of Illinois


This paper builds on existing theoretical and empirical studies in
the area of virtual team learning in the workplace. Based on
prescriptive theory building for instructional system design, a design
framework is proposed to include social presence, swift trust, and
conflict attribution components to enhance virtual team learning. This
design framework intends to augment existing instructional system design
models that are lacking emphasis on social and affective processing
during virtual team learning in the workplace. Proposed implications for
the use of this framework, suggestions for further research, and
limitations of the design framework are discussed.

Keywords: Virtual teams, social presence, trust, conflict

A Design Framework for Enhancing Virtual Team Learning in the Workplace | The Journal of Applied Instructional Design

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