
Thursday 21 May 2015

The Scientific Articles on Art Criticism | Hedayat | Asian Social Science

The Scientific Articles on Art Criticism

Mina Hedayat, Pegah Jahangiri, Aida Torkamani, Mahsa Mashayekhi, Sabzali M. K., Nader Ale Ebrahim


Research has been extremely involved in improving in the art
criticism area. These improvements are reflected in scientific articles.
This article purposed to investigate the 214 articles in art criticism
to explore their main characteristics. These articles published in the
Web of Science database of the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI)
from the period of 1980 till 20 December 2013. Types of articles were
article and review which is included in the study. The three top cited
(more than 10 times citations) articles in art criticism were published
in 1993 and 1999. The 214 articles mean citation rate was 0.87 (SD 2.38)
times. Among the various fields, art (58.87%), arts humanities other
topics (28.03%), both art and arts humanities other topics (5.14%), both
art and education and educational research (2.33%), both art and
history (1.40%), art, arts humanities other topics and literature
(1.40%), both art and cultural studies (0.93%), both art and philosophy
(0.93%), both art and literature (0.46%), and both arts humanities other
topics and cultural studies (0.46%) were the most popular fields of
research. The results showed that researches were done in the United
States had highest citation which was written in English language.

Full Text:
DOI: 10.5539/ass.v11n13p130

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Asian Social Science   ISSN 1911-2017 (Print)   ISSN 1911-2025 (Online)

Copyright © Canadian Center of Science and Education 

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The Scientific Articles on Art Criticism | Hedayat | Asian Social Science

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