
Sunday 7 October 2012

Managing Global Virtual Teams Across Classrooms, Students and Faculty - Journal of Teaching in International Business - Volume 22, Issue 4

Journal of Teaching in International Business

Volume 22, Issue 4, 2011

Managing Global Virtual Teams Across Classrooms, Students and Faculty

Managing Global Virtual Teams Across Classrooms, Students and Faculty

Timothy P. Sheaa*, Pamela D. Shererb, Rosemary D. Quillingc & Craig N. Blewettc
pages 300-313
Version of record first published: 09 Mar 2012
Article Views: 63


Virtual teams are becoming commonplace in business today so our business school students should have experience in effectively working in virtual teams. Based on a month-long virtual team project conducted by the authors between classes in South Africa and the United States, this paper discusses the opportunities and challenges of using global virtual teams as part of a business school curriculum. The authors describe the use of a virtual team life cycle to assess the month long project to identify key elements to retain and to change for the next time the virtual project is implemented.



Taylor & Francis Online :: Managing Global Virtual Teams Across Classrooms, Students and Faculty - Journal of Teaching in International Business - Volume 22, Issue 4

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