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Sunday 21 August 2011

New Economics Papers Innovation

Edited by: Steffen Lippert
Massey University, Albany
Date: 2010-12-04
Papers: 15

+ Note: Access to full contents may be restricted +
+ NEP is sponsored by SUNY Oswego +

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In this issue we have:

1. Patent Policy, Patent Pools, And The Accumulation Of Claims
In Sequential Innovation
Gastón Llanes; Stefano Trento

2. Standards, Innovation Incentives, and the Formation of Patent
Klaus M. Schmidt

3. R&D Subsidies, Spillovers and Privatization in Mixed Markets
Maria José Gil-Moltó; Joanna Poyago-Theotoky; Vasileios

4. Defensive Strategies in the Quality Ladders
Ivan Ledezma

5. The Patenting Behavior of Academic Founders
Walter, Sascha G.; Schmidt, Arne; Walter, Achim

6. Policy Complements to the Strengthening of IPRS in Developing
Ricardo H. Cavazos Cepeda; Douglas C. Lippoldt; Jonathan

7. Firms’ R&D cooperation strategies: the partner choice
Chiara Franco; Manuela Gussoni

8. Intellectual Property Protection, Regulation and Innovation
in Developing Economies: The Case of Indian Pharmaceutical
Rakesh Basant

9. SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new
product development: A literature review
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Taha, Zahari

10. Subsidy Policy for Innovation: A way to reach objectives of
both higher growth and equity?
Benjamin Montmartin

11. Too Big to Innovate? Scale (dis)economies and the
Competition-Innovation Relationship in U.S. Banking
Bos Jaap; Lamoen Ryan van; Economidou Claire

12. Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study
between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Taha, Zahari

13. Human Capital Dispersion and Incentives to Innovate
Maurizio Iacopetta

14. From Data to Celebration of Cultural Heritages:
Preservations, Acquisitions, and Intellectual Property
Situngkir, Hokky

15. Financial system, innovation and regional development: a
study on the relationship between liquidity preference and
innovation in Brazil
João Prates Romero; Frederico G. Jayme Jr


1. Patent Policy, Patent Pools, And The Accumulation Of Claims
In Sequential Innovation

Gastón Llanes
Stefano Trento

We present a dynamic model where the accumulation of patents
generates an increasing number of claims on sequential innovation.
We compare innovation activity under three regimes -patents, no-
patents, and patent pools- and find that none of them can reach
the first best. We find that the first best can be reached
through a decentralized tax-subsidy mechanism, by which
innovators receive a subsidy when they innovate, and are taxed
with subsequent innovations. This finding implies that optimal
transfers work in the exact opposite way as traditional patents.
Finally, we consider patents of finite duration and determine the
optimal patent length.

Keywords: Sequential Innovation, Patent Policy, Patent Pools,
Anticommons, Double Marginalization, Complementary
JEL: L13
Date: 2010-11-25

2. Standards, Innovation Incentives, and the Formation of Patent

Klaus M. Schmidt (University of Munich)

Technolgical standards give rise to a complements problem that
affects pricing and innovation incentives of technology producers.
In this paper I discuss how patent pools can be used to solve
these problems and what incentives patent holders have to form a
patent pool. I offer some suggestions how competition authorities
can foster the formation of welfare increasing patent pools.

Keywords: Patent pools, standard setting organisations,
innovation, complements problem, patent thicket
JEL: L15
Date: 2010-09

3. R&D Subsidies, Spillovers and Privatization in Mixed Markets

Maria José Gil-Moltó
Joanna Poyago-Theotoky
Vasileios Zikos

We examine the use of subsidies to R&D in a mixed and a private
duopoly market. We show that the socially optimal R&D subsidy is
increasing in the degree of spillovers but it is lower in the
private duopoly. The optimal R&D subsidy leads to an increase in
total R&D and production, however, it does not lead to the
equalisation of per fi?rm output and therefore to an efficient
distribution of production costs. We also find that privatization
of the public firm reduces R&D activity and welfare in the
duopoly market. This result stands even when optimal R&D
subsidies are provided.

Keywords: Keywords: mixed duopoly, process innovation, R&D
subsidies, privatization, spillovers.
JEL: L31
Date: 2010-10

4. Defensive Strategies in the Quality Ladders

Ivan Ledezma (Université Paris Dauphine, LEDa UMR 225 DIAL,

(english) This paper analyses the potentially defensive
behaviour of patent race winners and its effect on aggregate R&D
effort. It proposes a quality-ladders model that endogenously
determines leaders technology advantages and who innovates.
Product market regulation can have either a positive or a
negative effect on R&D intensity. The negative effect is likely
to be observed in highly deregulated economies. The positive
influence arises in more regulated environments and it is
stronger for larger innovative jumps. These steady-state
equilibrium outcomes are consistent with puzzling and contrasting
patterns stemming from data on manufacturing industries for 14
OECD countries during the period 1987-2003.
_________________________________ (français) Dans cet article
nous étudions le comportement potentiellement défensif des
innovateurs et son effet sur l’effort agrégé d’innovation. Un
modèle à échelles de qualité est proposé afin d’analyser
l’émergence d’avantages technologiques qui, in fine, déterminent
qui innove (le leader ou ses concurrents). Dans ce contexte, la
réglementation de marché peut avoir un effet positif ou négatif
sur l’intensité en R&D. Elle peut être négativement associée à
l’effort d’innovation dans des environnements hautement
dérèglementés. Par contre, en économies qui dépassent un certain
seuil de réglementation, susceptible de limiter effectivement la
construction de barrières stratégiques, la réglementation induit
des incitations à innover. Ces prédictions sont cohérentes avec
des tests empiriques menés sur un échantillon d’industries
appartenant à 14 pays de l’OCDE durant la période 1987-2003.

Keywords: Innovative leaders, quality ladders, product market
regulation, R&D, Leaders innovants, modèle à échelles
de qualité, réglementation.
JEL: L13
Date: 2010-09

5. The Patenting Behavior of Academic Founders

Walter, Sascha G.
Schmidt, Arne
Walter, Achim

This study explores why academic entrepreneurs patent their
inventions before and after creating a firm. Drawing on start-up
data combined with patent data, we specifically examine the
impact of five, relatively under-researched factors (scientific
field, pace of technological development, technological
uncertainty, entrepreneurial orientation, and patent
effectiveness. The study shows that some scientific fields,
technological uncertainty, and patent effectiveness are
positively related to patent propensity, both before and after
founding. The effects of pace of technological development and
entrepreneurial orientation were timespecific. Our study suggests
that patenting by academic entrepreneurs is driven by special
rationales and that prior research on full-time scientists and
established firms does not necessarily generalize to them. We
discuss the implications of our findings both in terms of
contribution to the current literature and technology transfer
policies. --

Keywords: academic patenting
Date: 2010-08-02

6. Policy Complements to the Strengthening of IPRS in Developing

Ricardo H. Cavazos Cepeda
Douglas C. Lippoldt
Jonathan Senft

The past two decades have witnessed an active period of global
reform with respect to policies concerning Intellectual Property
Rights (IPRs). This paper examines – from an empirical, economic
perspective – policies that complement the generally strengthened
framework for IPRs in developing countries. The analytical
approach involves three complementary levels of analysis: macro,
micro and country case studies. Across all three approaches, the
results point to a tendency for IPR reform to deliver positive
economic results. Reforms concerning patent protection have
tended to deliver the most substantial results, but the results
for copyright reform and trademark reform were also positive and
significant. Overall, the policy complements that were found to
be most important in facilitating positive results were those
related to inputs for innovative and productive processes and to
the ability to conduct business. These include policies that
influence the macro-environment for firms as well as the
availability of resources (e.g. related to education), the legal
and institutional conditions and the fiscal incentives.

Keywords: economic development, innovation, intellectual
property rights, patents, policy reforms, copyrights,
Date: 2010-09-14

7. Firms’ R&D cooperation strategies: the partner choice

Chiara Franco
Manuela Gussoni

The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence on the
issue of ?rms’ R&D cooperation strategies, examining the topic
from the point of view of the partner choice. Literature has
deeply analyzed the motivations inducing ?rms to form research
joint ventures, instead, the investigation of partner selection
strategies is disregarded even though it is one of the most
critical decisions for a ?rm when forming an alliance. For this
reason, by making use of data coming from the fourth Italian
innovation survey (2002- 2004), we contribute to the the
literature by estimating, through the use of a multinomial
logistic model, the determinants that a?ect the ?rms’ choice
among di?erent types of potential R&D cooperation partners. We di?
erentiate among three cooperation strategies that are: (i)
cooperation with only market partners; (ii) with only science
partners; and (iii) with both of them. Our ?ndings provide
support to the hypothesis that di?erent variables determine di?
erent partner choices according to the sector analyzed. In the
manufacturing sector, for example, foreign multinational
companies or export oriented ?rms prefer to cooperate only with
market partners. In the services, ?rms receiving public subsidies
for innovation prefer science cooperations to all the other
cooperation arrangements leaving room for policy implications.

Keywords: R&D cooperations; partner selection; industry-
university linkages;service sector.
JEL: O32
Date: 2010-09-10

8. Intellectual Property Protection, Regulation and Innovation
in Developing Economies: The Case of Indian Pharmaceutical

Rakesh Basant

Historically, nations have modified their IP policies to support
their development agenda. With the advent of TRIPS, the ability
of countries to choose between different IP policy options has
reduced considerably but some flexibility remains. Countries have
tried to utilize this flexibility for their advantage but in
certain respects the choices are difficult. In recent years,
certain elements of the new IP regime in India have been
vigorously debated in the context of the TRIPS mandated IP policy
changes. Given the complex interface between economic development
and IP regimes, a variety of arguments have been deployed to
argue in favour or against these elements. The paper argues that
an evaluation of the IP regime and regulation in developing
countries needs to be done in the context of how they facilitate
capability building especially through participation of domestic
firms in global R&D and production networks. [W.P. No. 2010-11-02]

Keywords: policies, development, countries, economic, favour,
global R&D
Date: 2010

9. SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new
product development: A literature review

Ale Ebrahim, Nader
Ahmed, Shamsuddin
Taha, Zahari

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines
of global economic growth. Their continued growth is a major
subject for the economy and employment of any country. Towards
that end, virtual research and development (R&D) could be a
viable option to sustain and ease the operations of SMEs. However,
literature shows there has not been a great deal of research
into the diverse characteristic of virtual R&D teams in SMEs.
This article provides a comprehensive literature review on
different aspects of virtual R&D teams collected from the reputed
publications. The purpose of the literature review is to provide
an outline on the structure and dynamics of R&D collaboration in
SMEs. Specifying the rationale and relevance of virtual teams,
the relationship between virtual R&D team for SMEs and new
product development (NPD) has been examined. It concludes with
identifying the gaps and feebleness in the existing literature
and calls for future research in this area. It is argued to form
of virtual R&D team deserves consideration at top level
management for venturing into the new product development within

Keywords: Virtual teams; small and medium enterprises; new
product development; R&D
Date: 2010-05-20

10. Subsidy Policy for Innovation: A way to reach objectives of
both higher growth and equity?

Benjamin Montmartin (GATE Lyon Saint-Etienne - Groupe
d'analyse et de théorie économique - CNRS : UMR5824 -
Université Lumière - Lyon II - Ecole Normale Supérieure
Lettres et Sciences Humaines)

Since the Lisbon Agenda (2000), the European Union policies are
in- creasingly oriented towards innovation as attested to by the
deep change of the new Regional Policy. This paper proposes an
analysis of an innovation subsidy policy in an agglomeration and
growth model à la Martin and Ottaviano (1999). In this two-
regions model, we assume that the policy is implemented by a
central authority that taxes the profit of industrial firms to
subsidy employment in innovative activities. We show that the
positive effects on growth and equity of such a policy, as
highlighted by Martin (1999), hold in the case where the policy
is not geographically differentiated. In the case where the
government however grants larger subsidies to the poorer region
in order to reduce the concentration of the innovative sector, we
show that the policy can be inefficient if it is not of
sufficient magnitude.

Keywords: economic geography; endogenous growth; public policy;
subsidies; Regional Policy
Date: 2010

11. Too Big to Innovate? Scale (dis)economies and the
Competition-Innovation Relationship in U.S. Banking

Bos Jaap
Lamoen Ryan van
Economidou Claire (METEOR)

This paper examines whether large U.S. banks have become ''too
big to innovate''. We extend the theoretical work of Aghion et al.
(2005b) by relaxing their assumption that unit costs are
independent from output levels in order to investigate the effect
of scale (dis)economies on the competition-innovation nexus. With
our model we can derive conditions under which the innovation
behavior of firms with scale diseconomies becomes more or less
responsive to competitive changes. Our empirical results show
that decreases in thelevel of competition lead to very large
drops in innovation. Large banks, already operating beyond the
minimum efficient scale, have indeed become ''too big to

Keywords: Industrial Organization;
Date: 2010

12. Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study
between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs

Ale Ebrahim, Nader
Ahmed, Shamsuddin
Taha, Zahari

This paper explores potential advantages of using virtual teams
for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with a
comprehensive review on various aspects of virtual teams. Based
on the standing of the pertinent literature, attempt has been
made to study the aspects by online survey method in Iran and
Malaysia. In both countries, SMEs play an important role in their
economies, employments, and capacity building. Virtual R&D team
can be one of the means to increase SMEs efficiency and
competitiveness in their local as well as global markets. In this
context, surveys have been conducted to evaluate the effects of
virtuality to the growth of SMEs. The study addresses some
differences between two countries in engaging virtual research
and development (R&D) teams in their SMEs. It is observed that
there is a significant difference between the SMEs turnover that
employed virtual team and that did not employ the virtual team.
The way for further studies and recommend improvements are

Keywords: Virtual R&D team, small and medium enterprises, survey,
developing countries.
JEL: O47
Date: 2010-07-01

13. Human Capital Dispersion and Incentives to Innovate

Maurizio Iacopetta (Observatoire Français des Conjonctures

Do policies that alter the allocation of human capital across
individuals affect the innovation capacity of an economy? To
answer this question, I extend Romer's (1990) growth model to
allow for individual heterogeneity. I find that the value of an
invention rises with equality. If skills and talents are evenly
distributed, inventions are more widely adopted in production and
users are willing to bid a higher price. Therefore, more equality
is associated with a larger share of the population employed in
the business of invention. However, inventors of an equal society
are not as creative as those of an unequal one. As a result an
inverted-U curve relating inequality and the innovation rate
emerges, indicating that departures from extreme forms of
equality or inequality are growth-enhancing. I discuss evidence
that agrees with the main implications of the analysis, namely
that the market size and the number of inventors are negatively
affected by inequality. Finally, a calibration exercise suggests
that in recent decades the U.S. has been in the ascending portion
of the inequality-growth curve.

Keywords: human capital, inequality, innovation JEL
Classification: O15; O31; O41; H52; J24.
Date: 2010-11

14. From Data to Celebration of Cultural Heritages:
Preservations, Acquisitions, and Intellectual Property

Situngkir, Hokky

The articles discusses the management of the cultural diversity
in Indonesian archipelago by incorporating the web 2.0 and
participatory database documentation system. Things related to
the reports and researches that have been brought related to the
on going collecting data is discussed, economy-wise and
scientific-wise. The high diversity of elasticities in Indonesia
is not only exotic for performance, watch, and wear. They might
also be able to tell us about who we are.

Keywords: Culture; Wipo; Intellectual Property Rights; Indonesia;
Patent; Intangible Culture
JEL: L82
Date: 2010-11-26

15. Financial system, innovation and regional development: a
study on the relationship between liquidity preference and
innovation in Brazil

João Prates Romero (Cedeplar-UFMG)
Frederico G. Jayme Jr (Cedeplar-UFMG)

This paper discusses and assesses the features of the Brazilian
Financial System, as well as the impacts of Liquidity Preference
on Regional Development in Brazil. In the post-Keynesian
literature, money is considered endogenous to the economic system,
introduced in the economic activity through the credit provided
by banks. Taken as non-neutral, banks are economic agents which
can present lower or higher liquidity preference. Because of that,
banks are also particularly important to the development process.
Precisely, we tested the influence of credit and the role of
banks in regional development. We estimate a panel across states
in Brazil in order to test the impact of liquidity preference and
other financial variables on Brazilian states’ number of patents,
aiming at testing the importance of the bank system to
technological progress and regional development. Conclusions
confirm both hypotheses.

Keywords: Monetary System, National Innovation System, Credit,
JEL: R10
Date: 2010-11

This nep–ino issue is ©2010 by Steffen Lippert. It is provided
as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely
redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed
in part, it must include this copyright notice. It may not be
sold, or placed in something else for sale.

General information on the NEP project can be found at http:
// For comments please write to the director of
NEP, Marco Novarese at < director @ nep point repec point org >.


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