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Thursday, 24 November 2016

Impactstory: Nader Ale Ebrahim


Nader Ale Ebrahim

University of Malaya

Visiting Research Fellow

open access


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Open Access

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98% of your research is free to read online.
This level of availability puts you in the top 4% of researchers.

better, 52% of your papers are published under a fully Open license
like CC-BY, making them available for a wide range of reuse (not just
reading). Learn more about why this is important at HowOpenIsIt.

Global Reach

Top 25%

Your research has been saved and shared in 40 countries.
That's high: only 11% of researchers get that much international attention.

Countries include




and 37 more.

Hot Streak

Top 10%

People keep talking about your research. Someone has shared your research online every month for the last 11 months.
That's a sharing streak matched by only 2% of scholars.

Greatest Hit

Top 25%

Your top publication has been saved and shared 192 times.
Only 18% of researchers get this much attention on a publication.

Your greatest hit online is A Comparison between Two Main Academic Literature Collections

Web of Science and Scopus Databases.

Global South

Top 10%

Of people who save and share your research, 60% are in the Global South.
That's a high proportion: only 2% of researchers publish work that inspires this level of engagement from the developing world.

Countries include




and 13 more.

Follower Frenzy

Top 25%

Someone with over 28.984 thousand followers has tweeted your research.
Only 23% of scholars have been tweeted by someone with this many followers.

Thanks, @figshare.

All Readers Welcome

Your writing has a reading level that is easily understood at grade 9 and above, based on its abstracts and titles.
That's great — it helps lay people and practitioners use your research. It also puts you in the top 3% in readability.

Big in Japan

Your work was saved or shared by someone in Japan!
Only half of researchers can claim this honor.

Impactstory: Nader Ale Ebrahim

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Collaborative strategies for distributed teams: Innovation through interlaced collaborative writing - IEEE Xplore Document


Collaborative strategies for distributed teams: Innovation through interlaced collaborative writing

paper discusses a case history of a successful, highly-productive team
that collaborates on a regular basis, solely through virtual means. In
the article, we will discuss the importance of psychological safety as a
key foundation in collaborative work and the affordances that result
from building and maintaining this foundation, including the co-creation
of knowledge and an increase in team productivity. We provide a
postmortem of our collaborative writing process, which has resulted in a
series of successful articles, presentations, and posters. In this case
history, we will discuss our collaborative processes, highlighting
significant decisions, choices, and failures; we will supplement the
case with anecdotal evidence. Finally, we will provide a set of concrete
strategies/guidelines to benefit others interested in distributed
collaboration. Ultimately, we present this case as a model for
collaborative writing and have termed this innovative process
“interlaced collaborative writing.”

Date of Conference:
2-5 Oct. 2016
Date Added to IEEE Xplore:
14 November 2016

ISBN Information:


Collaborative strategies for distributed teams: Innovation through interlaced collaborative writing - IEEE Xplore Document

Application of Virtual Team-working in Teaching Productive Skills to Iranian EFL Learners | Chalak | Theory and Practice in Language Studies


Application of Virtual Team-working in Teaching Productive Skills to Iranian EFL Learners

Azizeh Chalak, Forough Fouladi


Application of Virtual Team-Working has provided opportunities to
solve the limitations of the traditional ways of teaching and learning.
This study investigated, how using virtual team-working could affect
teaching productive skills of Iranian EFL learners. A group of 30
Iranian upper intermediate female EFL learners, aged 18-31, in Isfahan
Air Base were arranged in two groups. They set up their virtual groups
and continued team-work activities during 6 weeks. This study employed a
triangulated research approach involving questionnaires, pre/post
productive tests, observation, and interview to increase the reliability
of the study. Pre/Post productive tests were used to compare the
participants’ speaking and writing productions before/after the project,
and they were evaluated based on the comparison of their mean scores by
Matlab software. A chi-square test was run for each test to see whether
the differences between observed and expected results were significant.
The results showed that the mean scores of the participants in the
posttest were significantly higher than that in the pretest in
experimental group. Moreover, the attitudes of the participants towards
using virtual team-working were surveyed by using questionnaires. The
results of this study may benefit teachers, students, and those involved
in teaching and learning.


productive skills; virtual team-working; technology; Whatsapp and Viber; Iranian EFL learners

Full Text:



Ale Ebrahim, N., S. H., Abdul Rashid, S. Ahmed & Z. Taha.
(2011).The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences
of Malaysian SMEs. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10,

Al Ebrahim, N., S. Ahmed & Z. Taha. (2010). Virtual
R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and
Malaysian SMEs. African Journal of Business Management, 4, 2368-2379.

Amiri, E. (2012). A study of Application of Digital
Technologies in Teaching and Learning English Language And Literature.
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Volume
1,Issue 5,June 2012.

Bailey, S. (2016). Virtual Team that Actually Works.). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. London: Hodder Education.

Brooks, W. D. & F. D. Shell. (2006). Working Memory,
Motivation and Teacher Initiated- Learning. Journal of Science Education
and Technology. 14(1), 17-30. Retrieved from

Cascio, W. F. & S. Shurygallo. (2003). E-Leadership and Virtual Teams. Organizational Dynamics, 31, 362-376.

Cascio, W.F. (2007). Evidence based management and the marketplace for ideas. Academy of management journal, 50, 1009-1012.

Kavanagh, M., D. Caspersz, N. Levak, & L. Sargent. (2011).
Virtual Team Contract. International Conference on Education and New
learning Technologies (pp.4767-4676).

Cummins, J., K., Brown& D. Sayers. (2007). Literacy,
technology a diversity: Teaching for success in changing times. Boston:

Keegan, D. (2005). The incorporation of mobile learning into
mainstream education and training, proceedings of the 4th world
conference on mlearning, cape with, 25-28 October, retrived January25,

McCarthy, G. (2012). Virtual teams and blended learning.
International Conference on Education and New learning Technologies

Munkvold, B.E. & I. Zigurs. (2007). Information &
Management. Factors with potential to affect outcomes in virtual teams.
44 287–299. 288.

Park, Y. (2011). A pedagogical Framework for Mobile Learning:
Categorizing Educational Applications of Mobile Technologies into Four
Types. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning,

Sharples, M., J. Taylor & G. Vavoula. (2007). A theory of
learning for the mobile age. The Sage handbook of E-learning research
(pp. 221-247). Sage: London.

Sarica, G., & N. Cavus. (2008). Web based English language
and literature learning, presented at the 8th International Educational
Technology Conference, Anadolu University, 6-9 May, Eski. ehir, Turkey.

Tan, W.K. & C.H. Tan. (2012). Conveying information
effectively in a virtual world: insights from synthesized task closure
and media richness. Journal of the American society for information
science and technology .vol63, issue 6, pp1198-1212.

Traxler, J. (2007). Defining discussing and evaluating mobile
learning: The moving finger writes and having write…the international
review in open and distance learning,8,1-13.

Uden, L. (2007). Technology and problem based learning. British journal of educational technology volume 38, issue 3, p553.

Zurita. G. & M.A. Nussbaum. (2007). Conceptual framework
based on activity theory for mobile CSCL, "British journal of
educational technology ", Vol 38, No2.pp.211-235.



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Theory and Practice in Language Studies (TPLS, ISSN 1799-2591)
Copyright © 2015-2016 ACADEMY PUBLICATION — All Rights Reserved

Application of Virtual Team-working in Teaching Productive Skills to Iranian EFL Learners | Chalak | Theory and Practice in Language Studies

Friday, 11 November 2016

Scopus - Document details


Volume 6, Issue 4, 2016, Pages 984-992
Open Access

Competition intensity, uncertainty environmental on
the use of information technology and its impact on business performance
small and medium enterprises  (Article)

School of Economics, Al-Anwar Mojokerto, Indonesia

Faculty of Economic, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


In the business
world, the information technology revolution led to tremendous changes
in competition, production, marketing and human resource management. The
use of information technology is a vital component of business
performance (BP). By this study wanted to know of competition intensity
(CI), uncertainty environment (UE) of business and the use of
information technology and its impact on BP. The sample number in this
study are 130 respondences of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
printing management in East Java, using purposive sampling technique.
Through testing with analysis of structural equation modeling the
results of this study found that: First, CI impact significant positive
on the information technology investment (IIT). But CI impact
significant negative BP SMEs. Second, UE of business impact significant
positive on the BP of SMEs and IIT. Third, IIT impact significant
positive on the BP of SMEs. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.

Author keywords

Business performance; Competition intensity;
Information technology; Small and medium enterprises; Uncertainty
environment of business

ISSN: 21464405
Source Type: Journal
Original language: English

Document Type: Article
Publisher: Econjournals

Scopus - Document details

Thursday, 10 November 2016

IEEE Xplore Document - Metrics based usability evaluation for adoption and usuage of mobile devices and services by elderly population


Metrics based usability evaluation for adoption and usuage of mobile devices and services by elderly population

describe in this paper an implementation by various factors that
determine the adoption and usage of mobile devices and services by old
age people. These are the age groups which are present in every society.
Based on number of mobile devices and their brand, we have taken
various issues and challenges that need to be taken into account. The
elderly people are facing number of problems as technology is increasing
day by day and they do not feel comfortable using this growing
technology. Therefore, we have taken different mobile devices and
compare each one of them.

Date of Conference:
16-18 March 2016
Date Added to IEEE Xplore:
31 October 2016

ISBN Information:


This article is only available in PDF.


Department of CSE, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida, India

Department of CSE, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Sector 125, Noida, India

IEEE Xplore Document - Metrics based usability evaluation for adoption and usuage of mobile devices and services by elderly population