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Monday, 30 December 2013

Modified stage-gate: a conceptual model of virtual product development process

African Journal of Marketing Management Vol.1(9) , pp. 211–219 , December 2009

ISSN 2141-2421 ©2009 Academic Journals


Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process

Nader Ale Ebrahim*, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha

Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya, 50603 Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Accepted 31 December 2009

In today’s dynamic marketplace, manufacturing companies are under strong pressure to introduce new products for long-term survival with their competitors. Nevertheless, every company cannot cope up progressively or immediately with the market requirements due to knowledge dynamics being experienced in the competitive milieu. Increased competition and reduced product life cycles put force upon companies to develop new products faster. In response to these pressing needs, there should be some new approach compatible in flexible circumstances. This paper presents a solution based on the popular Stage-Gate system, which is closely linked with virtual team approach. Virtual teams can provide a platform to advance the knowledge-base in a company and thus to reduce time-to-market. This article introduces conceptual product development architecture under a virtual team umbrella. The paper describes all the major aspects of new product development (NPD), NPD process and its relationship with virtual teams, Stage-Gate system finally presents a modified Stage-Gate system to cope up with the changing needs. It also provides the guidelines for the successful implementation of virtual teams in new product development.
Key words: Modified stage-gate system, virtual product development, conceptual model.

African Journal of Marketing Management - modified stage-gate: a conceptual model of virtual product development process

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Tools for Reading, Writing & Thinking

Tools for Reading, Writing & Thinking
Reading Writing
ü ü Academic Notes A note-taking page with helpful reminders in the margin that help students to define, summarize, serialize, classify, compare, and analyze ideas and concepts
ü ü
A series of graphic organizers that use different formats for tracing causes and effects
  ü A note-taking page to develop an idea using the claim, evidence, and interpretation strategy
ü   Character Bookmark A reproducible page with four book marks that can be copied back-to-back; one side has space for notes on characters that students encounter during reading, while the opposite side provides question stems to promote active reading
ü ü
A series of graphic organizers for studying the methods of characterization, character traits, and the relationship between character development and conflict
ü   Classification Notes Three graphic organizers for categorizing ideas and information into six, four, or three categories
ü ü Collaborative Questions A graphic organizer that encourages students to pose questions about a text at different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy; students then share their questions with a partner and formulate answers to each other's questions based on their discussion
ü ü A series of graphic organizers for examining the similarities and differences between and among different ideas or concepts, including (but also moving beyond) the traditional Venn diagram
An alternative to the traditional Venn Diagram that includes a space for summarizing the compared and contrasted ideas
A four-column graphic organizer for identifying "" in order to dissect conflicts that are presented in text
A note-taking page that introduces students to the Cornell Notes method with suggestions on the type of information to be included
ü ü
Two graphic organizers that help students work through a decision-making process
ü ü
A graphic organizer that helps students prepare for a discussion about a text, with prompting questions in the margin that help to guide their thinking
ü ü
A web for charting the who, what, where, when, why and how of a particular event
  ü Expository Writing Tools A series of graphic organizers for organizing ideas to write expository texts, including webs for developing topics and outlines for structuring expository essays
ü ü Fact vs. Opinion A graphic organizer for identifying facts and opinions in text, including space for students to explain how they know the details from the text are facts or opinions
ü ü Four Square Perspective A graphic organizer that helps students examine a topic or issue from four different points of view, with space to synthesize conclusions, connections, and questions
ü ü
A graphic organizer that generates a series of details related to a subject and then moves to a main idea through induction
A circular graphic organizer for organizing literal information in the inside wedges of the circle and inferences in the outer wedges of the circle

A graphic organizer for analyzing the textual or literal level of meaning and the subtextual or implied meaning for a specific quotation
A model of the interactive note strategy, including the before, during, and after thinking that students should do while reading a text; also includes a blank interactive note-taking page
ü   Key Concept
A graphic organizer for identifying the five most important concepts from a reading, with space for students to put the concept into their own words, to explain why the concept is important, and to make connections to other important concepts in the reading
ü ü KWL
A four-column chart that helps students identify what they already know for sure about a topic, what they think they know about the topic but are unsure, what they would like to learn about the topic, and the connections they can make between the topic and other things they already know
ü ü
A set of graphic organizers that can be used for the different roles in a literature circle (e.g., discussion director, illustrator, connector, word watcher, summarizer), including bookmarks that remind students of questions they might pose while reading and discussing their book
ü   Main Idea Notes A graphic organizer for identifying the main idea of a passage, the most important details, and reasons/evidence to support the reader's claim about the main idea
ü   A graphic organizer for making predictions, grounding those predictions in evidence from the text, revisiting those predictions while reading, and processing the predictions after reading
ü   Metaphor Analysis A T-chart for examining the superficial level and metaphoric level of a metaphor
A series of graphic organizers for planning to write narratives, including resources for sequencing, conflict, rising action, and imagery
A series of graphic organizers for developing and organizing ideas and information for persuasive writing or speaking, including planning and note-taking resources for debates
A note taking page with questions in the margin that help students to survey the text, activate prior knowledge, and decide their purpose for reading
An active reading, listening, or observing graphic organizer that involves note taking, visually representing ideas, and summarizing ideas in writing
A graphic organizer for representing the hierarchy of a subject, main idea, supporting details, developing details, and summary or synthesis
The QAR strategy identifies four Question-Answer Relationships that students are likely to encounter as they read texts and attempt to answer questions about what they have read.  These include "right there" questions, "think and search" questions, "author and you" questions, and "on my own" questions 
Q-Notes combines the strategies of SQ3R and Cornell Notes, and provides a note-taking format for posing questions while reading  in the left-hand margin and writing answers to the questions in the right-hand margin
ü ü
A graphic organizer that prompts students to pose their own questions to clarify their initial understanding, develop an interpretation, make connections, and take a critical stance
A reproducible bookmark that includes questions, strategies, and reminders that students can refer to throughout the reading process
ü   Reciprocal Notes A note-taking page that prompts students to think about a text or topic first at the surface level, then at a deeper level; students are also prompted to use evidence to support their interpretations
  ü A graphic organizer that students use to analyze a writing model based on the criteria of a rubric to then explain how their writing is similar to and different from the model, with space to identify next steps for revision
A note-taking page to summarize a reading with before, during, and after reading reminders listed in the left-hand margin
ü ü A graphic organizer that helps students make text-to-self, text-to-world, and world-to-self connections to think deeply about an essential question (includes a direction page)
ü ü
Two journal entry pages that prompt students to make connections between specific textual references and their own ideas/experience
A graphic organizer that helps students recognize and analyze the features of different textbooks in order to approach the text more strategically
  ü TAP Planner A three-column graphic organizer that helps students identify the topic, the audience, and the purpose for a given piece of writing
A traditional two-way Venn diagram with space for synthesizing conclusions, making connections, or posing questions
A traditional three-way Venn diagram to compare and contrast three ideas, characters, events, etc.
A graphic organizer that can be used to help students understand important vocabulary words or concepts, including space for the etymology of the word, antonyms and synonyms, the definition, a symbolic representation of the word, and space for using it in a sentence

Tools for Reading, Writing & Thinking



Reihaneh Montazeri Shatouri, Rosmini Omar, Kunio Igusa and Flavio de Sao Pedro Filho
DOI : 10.3844/ajebasp.2013.56.64
American Journal of Economics and Business Administration
Volume 5, Issue 2
Pages 56-64


What makes a technological innovation successful for an industry? This study examines how green technology innovation is impacted by strategic management of the human resource in firms. The value of this study lies in its intention to explain the needs to effectively blend people matters first before endeavouring technologies. We focus on Malaysia’s leading automobile manufacturer, Proton which currently embarks on smart green initiatives in its product development. The quantitative survey identifies potential challenges of Proton’s human resource management that may infringe green technology process. Our findings confirm the effects of strategic human resource management system on adopting the green technology innovation. The most important factors affecting the implementation of green technology include knowledge application, team development, knowledge sharing, performance-based reward and training of before and during the process of embracing the new technology.

Cite this Article

Shatouri, R.M., R. Omar, K. Igusa and F.D.S.P. Filho, 2013. Embracing green technology innovation through strategic human resource management: A case of an automotive company. Am. J. Econ. Bus. Admin., 5: 56-64.


Monday, 23 December 2013

The Effective Use of the Research Tools Box and Resources - Workshop on 28/12/2013

The Effective Use of the Research Tools Box
and Resources 
1. Introduction

The search can be time consuming and sometimes tedious task. How can make it easier? How do deal with situations such as:
“I just join as new postgraduate students and I am not sure how to do a literature search”
“I have been in research for some time now but I spend a lot of time to get the articles I want”
“I am sure I have downloaded the article but I am not able to find it”
“I wanted to write a new paper, how can I manage the references in the shortest possible time?”
“I have many references, some of my old papers, and some of my current research. Sometimes, they are so many that I can’t recall where I have kept them in my folders!”
“I have written an article and I am not able to find a proper Journal”
"I want to increase the citation of my papers, how do I do?"

We need an effective search strategy can save hours of wasted research time and provide a clear direction for your research. The benefits of attending this workshop are numerous and include learning how to change the direction of searching to discover and how to use more efficient the tools that are available through the Net.

2. Objective

The workshop seeks to serve the following objectives:
To help students who seek to reduce the search time by expanding the knowledge of researchers to more effectively use the "tools" that are available through the Net.*
To evaluate the types of literature that researchers will encounter.
To convert the information on the search for a written document.
To help researchers learn how to search and analyze the right journal to submit.
To promote their publication for further citation.

* For more information on this workshop, see the Research Tools web page.
This workshop, aims to help research students in order to reduce research time by developing researcher knowledge to use more effectively the “Tools” which are available through the net. Research Tools is the skill to understand and use information technology tools to carry out research, including the use of discipline-related software and online resources.
The online “Research Tools” box is included over 700 tools. However, the speaker tries to introduce all necessary tools to postgraduate students in a simple and applicable way.

3. Who should attend?

The workshop is aimed at postgraduate students, young academics and researchers who have started his/her research and would like to increase the effectiveness of the research. The e-skills learned from the workshop are useful across various research disciplines and research institutions. Participants should have the requisite computer skills prior to taking the workshop.

  • مجری: انجمن دانشجویان ایرانی دانشگاه ملی مالزی
  • استاد: جناب آقای دکتر نادر آل ابراهیم
  • زمان: شنبه مورخ 2013/12/28، ساعت 10 لغایت 13
  • مکان: سالن سایبر، کتابخانه دانشگاه ملی مالزی، طبقه 4
  • هزینه: 25 رینگیت، لطفا مبلغ مذکور را به شماره حساب 12180115227527 به نام سرکار خانم مرضیه مقربی نزد بانک CIMB واریز نمایید و اطلاعات پرداختی را از طریق سایت در زمان ثبت نام اعلام فرمایید.
  • گواهینامه پایان دوره: توسط انجمن دانشجویان ایرانی دانشگاه ملی مالزی اعطا می گردد
  • زبان: فارسی​
  • روش ثبت نام: از طریق سایت انجمن

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