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Dankook University Center Library - Author search: Nader Ale Ebrahim



Academic Journal
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review / Social Psychology
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Salehi, Hadi / Embi, Mohamed Amin / Habibi Tanha, Farid / Gholizadeh, Hossein / Motahar, Seyed Mohammad / Ordi, Ali
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Statistical Models / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


주제어 : Birth Year: 1963
Database : Marquis Biographies Online


Academic Journal
Farhadi, Hadi / Salehi, Hadi / Yunus, Melor Md / Aghaei Chadegani, Arezoo / Farhadi, Maryam / Fooladi, Masood / Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : Archives / Statistical Models / Economics / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Artificial Intelligence
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Artificial Intelligence / Peer Review / Social Psychology
Database : CogPrints


Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Rashid, S.H. Abdul / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Rashid, S.H. Abdul / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Z.
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Artificial Intelligence / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review / Social Psychology
Database : CogPrints


Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints

Full Text (CogPrints - OA) 




Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Artificial Intelligence / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Raval, MR. R. R. / Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology / Journal of Information Technology Education / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology / Journal of Information Technology Education / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Z.
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology / Journal of Information Technology Education / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, S. / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Artificial Intelligence / Human Computer Interaction / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints



Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : JOURNALS / Artificial Intelligence
Database : CogPrints


Academic Journal
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Human Computer Interaction / Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology / Journal of Information Technology Education / Peer Review
Database : CogPrints


Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 57, 1 (2013) 122-127
Farhadi, Maryam / Salehi, Hadi / Embi, Mohamed Amin / Fooladi, Masood / Farhadi, Hadi / Chadegani, Arezoo Aghaei / Ebrahim, Nader Ale
주제어 : Computer Science - Digital Libraries
Database : arXiv


Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 7(4), 198-202. March 2013
Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Farhadi, Hadi / Salehi, Hadi / Yunus, Melor Md / Chadegani, Arezoo Aghaei / Farhadi, Maryam / Fooladi, Masood
주제어 : Computer Science - Digital Libraries / Physics - Physics and Society / 97B10 / H.2.2
Database : arXiv


Asian Social Science vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 176-182, April 27, 2013
Fooladi, Masood / Salehi, Hadi / Yunus, Melor Md / Farhadi, Maryam / Chadegani, Arezoo Aghaei / Farhadi, Hadi / Ebrahim, Nader Ale
주제어 : Computer Science - Digital Libraries / K.3.2
Database : arXiv


Asian Social Science vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 18-26, April 27, 2013
Chadegani, Arezoo Aghaei / Salehi, Hadi / Yunus, Melor Md / Farhadi, Hadi / Fooladi, Masood / Farhadi, Maryam / Ebrahim, Nader Ale
주제어 : Computer Science - Digital Libraries / Computer Science - Computers and Society / K.3.2
Database : arXiv


(2012). Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659
Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Rashid, Salwa Hanim Abdul / Taha, Zahari / Wazed, M. A.
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / 90B50, 90C29, 90C31, 91A35, 91B06 / D.2.9 / K.1
Database : arXiv


African Journal of Marketing Management, 1(9) (2009) 211-219
Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / 90B50, 90C29, 90C31, 91A35, 91B06 / D.2.9 / K.1
Database : arXiv


Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / A.0
Database : arXiv


Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 2011, 10(2), Pages 109-114
Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Rashid, Salwa Hanim Abdul / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / A.0
Database : arXiv

Full Text (Arxiv - OA) 




Academic Journal
Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology; 11/10/2013, Vol. 57 Issue 1, p122-127, 6p
주제어 : COMMUNICATION & technology / INFORMATION technology / H-index (Citation analysis) / DATA analysis / ACQUISITION of data
Database :


Research World, 10, 1-3
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : Bildung und Erziehung / Education / Informationsmanagement, informationelle Prozesse, Informationsökonomie / Information Management, Information Processes, Information Economics / neue Technologie / new technology / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Effizienz / efficiency / EDV-Programm / data processing program / 10600
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5, 1, 9-14
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / collaboration teams / questionnaires / performance / cross-functional teams / product development / structural equation modeling / measurement model / literature review / Sociology of Science, Sociology of Technology, Research on Science and Technology / Wissenschaftssoziologie, Wissenschafts-, Technikforschung, Techniksoziologie / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Teamarbeit / teamwork / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Effektivität / effectiveness / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Software / Management / Internet
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : Definition / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Teamarbeit / teamwork / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Scientific Research and Essays, 7, 21, 1971-1985
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / collaboration / questionnaires / communication / information / integration / performance / success / cross-functional teams / product development / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Team / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Informationstechnologie / information technology / Effektivität / effectiveness / Leistungsfähigkeit / performance / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Malaysia / Iran
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), V2-114-V2-117
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Taha, Zahari / Thatcher, Steve / Venkatesh
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / small and medium enterprises / collaborative tools / questionnaires / virtual teams / JEL-codes: O32, O14, M11, O43, Z0, L23, L15, O31, M21 / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Kooperation / cooperation / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / Malaysia / produzierendes Gewerbe / manufacturing industry / empirical / empirisch
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10, 2, 109-114
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / Virtual Teams / New Product Development / Survey Finding / Small and Medium Enterprises / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Wettbewerb / competition / Produktmanagement / product management / Produkt / product / Planung / planning / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Malaysia / Team / Effizienz / efficiency / empirical / empirisch
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Salwa Hanim, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2011): Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams. Published in: American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 1 (31. January 2012): pp. 9-14.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O25 - Industrial Policy / Q55 - Technological Innovation / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O14 - Industrialization / Manufacturing and Service Industries / Choice of Technology / L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / J5 - Labor-Management Relations, Trade Unions, and Collective Bargaining / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2011): The effectiveness of virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Published in: Industrial Engineering and Management Systems , Vol. 10, No. 2 (June 2011): pp. 109-114.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / P4 - Other Economic Systems / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Scientific Research and Essay 1992-2248 Academic Journals Nairobi 7 21 1971-1985 doi:10.5897/SRE10.1005
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M12 / O32 / L11 / Q31 / M54 / O1 / ddc:650 / Virtual teams / collaboration / questionnaires / cross-functional teams / integration / performance / product development. / communication / doc-type:article
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 




The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2010 (APIEMS 2010), 1-6
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim / Taha, Zahari / APIEMS
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / new product development / survey finding / small and medium enterprises / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Produkt / product / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Malaysia / Effizienz / efficiency / empirical / empirisch
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


African Journal of Business Management, 4, 11, 2247-2257
Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari / Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / Survey findings / new product development / factor analysis / virtual team / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Manufacturing / Produktion / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Wirtschaftswachstum / economic growth / Entwicklungsland / developing country / Iran / Malaysia / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


African Journal of Business Management, 4, 11, 2368-2379
Taha, Zahari / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / Virtual R&D team / small and medium enterprises / survey / developing countries / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / Effizienz / efficiency / Wachstum / growth / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Iran / Malaysia / Entwicklungsland / developing country / empirical / empirisch
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems 제10권 제2호. (2011-06) pg. 109
Nader Ale Ebrahim (저자); Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid (저자); Shamsuddin Ahmed (저자); Zahari Taha (저자)
Database : DBPIA


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Effective virtual teams for new product development. Published in: Scientific Research and Essay , Vol. 7, No. 21 (07. June 2012): pp. 1971-1985.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / O14 - Industrialization / Manufacturing and Service Industries / Choice of Technology / L7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction / Q5 - Environmental Economics / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. Published in: Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), Singapore. , Vol. 2, (27. February 2011): V2-114.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / O14 - Industrialization / Manufacturing and Service Industries / Choice of Technology / M11 - Production Management / O43 - Institutions and Growth / Z0 - General / L23 - Organization of Production / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives / M21 - Business Economics / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Critical factors for new product developments in SMEs virtual team. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (04. September 2010): pp. 2247-2257.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Published in: In: The 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (APIEMS 2010), Melaka, Malaysia. (09. December 2010): pp. 1-6.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : G14 - Information and Market Efficiency / Event Studies / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / L7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / P4 - Other Economic Systems / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business. Published in: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENTREPRENEURSHIP ACROSS BOUNDARIES , Vol. University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, No. Section For Co-curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives and TITAS (06. August 2010): pp. 1-5.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M11 - Production Management / M00 - General / N60 - General, International, or Comparative / Q55 - Technological Innovation / L23 - Organization of Production / D85 - Network Formation and Analysis: Theory / O14 - Industrialization / Manufacturing and Service Industries / Choice of Technology / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. Published in: International Journal of the Physical Sciences , Vol. 5, No. 7 (July 2010): pp. 916-930.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M5 - Personnel Economics / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 




Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. Published in: African Journal of Business Management , Vol. 4, No. 11 (04. September 2010): pp. 2368-2379.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O47 - Measurement of Economic Growth / Aggregate Productivity / Cross-Country Output (Income) Convergence / F23 - Multinational Firms / International Business / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / O43 - Institutions and Growth / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / R11 - Regional Economic Activity: Growth, Development, and Changes / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin; Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2010): Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. Published in: In: 2010 2nd International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2010), 8th - 9th December Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (08. December 2010): pp. 7-9.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of Economics / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Academic Journal
International Education Studies, 2013, Vol. 6, Issue 11
Nader Ale Ebrahim / Hadi Salehi / Mohamed Amin Embi / Farid Habibi Tanha / Hossein Gholizadeh / Seyed Mohammad Motahar / Ali Ordi
Database : Directory of Open Access Journals


Academic Journal
Asian Social Science, 2013, Vol. 9, Issue 5
Masood Fooladi / Hadi Salehi / Melor Md Yunus / Maryam Farhadi / Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani / Hadi Farhadi / Nader Ale Ebrahim
Database : Directory of Open Access Journals


Academic Journal
Asian Social Science, 2013, Vol. 9, Issue 5
Arezoo Aghaei Chadegani / Hadi Salehi / Melor Md Yunus / Hadi Farhadi / Masood Fooladi / Maryam Farhadi / Nader Ale Ebrahim
Database : Directory of Open Access Journals


European Journal of Scientific Research, 34, 3, 297-307
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / literature review / innovation / research and development / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Innovation / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Unternehmen / enterprise / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Effizienz / efficiency / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Kooperation / cooperation / Team / Informationstechnologie / information technology
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


European Journal of Educational Studies, 1, 3, 109-123
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual R&D teams / new product development / virtual experience / R&D engineers / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Unternehmen / enterprise / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Ingenieur / engineer / Team
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Scientific Research and Essays, 4, 13, 1575–1590
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / literature review / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Effizienz / efficiency / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5, 7, 916-930
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / new product development / R&D / medium-sized enterprises / information-technology / communication technology / development management / manufacturing smes / distributed teams / innovation knowledge / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Effizienz / efficiency / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Informationstechnologie / information technology / Innovation
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


African Journal of Marketing Management, 1, 9, 211-219
Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Economics / Wirtschaft / Modified stage-gate system / virtual product development / conceptual model / JEL Classifications: L15, L23, O14, Q31, Q32 / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Political Economy / Volkswirtschaftslehre / Manufacturing / Produktion / Unternehmen / enterprise / produzierendes Gewerbe / manufacturing industry / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / Flexibilität / flexibility / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / neue Technologie / new technology
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository



Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3, 3, 2653-2669
Taha, Zahari / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / literature review / effective virtual team / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Unternehmen / enterprise / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Team / Organisation / organization / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Effizienz / efficiency / neue Technologie / new technology
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration, 1, 1, 1-3
Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Taha, Zahari / Ale Ebrahim, Nader / Raval, MR. R. R.
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / Sociology of Work, Industrial Sociology, Industrial Relations / Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie, Arbeitssoziologie, industrielle Beziehungen / Interpersonal Communication / interpersonelle Kommunikation / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Team / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Kooperation / cooperation / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Effektivität / effectiveness
Database : SSOAR – Social Science Open Access Repository


Advanced Materials Research; January 2012, Vol. 433 Issue: 1 p1653-1659, 7p
Ebrahim, Nader Ale / Ahmed, Shamsuddin / Rashid, Salwa Hanim Abdul / Wazed, M A / Taha, Zahari
Database :


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. Published in: European Journal of Educational Studies , Vol. 1, No. 3 (October 2009): pp. 109-123.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / A2 - Economics Education and Teaching of Economics / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team. Published in: European Journal of Scientific Research , Vol. 34, No. 3 (2009): pp. 297-307.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review. Published in: Scientific Research and Essays , Vol. 4, No. 13 (December 2009): pp. 1575-1590.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Modified stage-gate: A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: African Journal of Marketing Management , Vol. 1, No. 9 (2009): pp. 211-219.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O1 - Economic Development / L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior / M11 - Production Management / P24 - National Income, Product, and Expenditure / Money / Inflation / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team. Published in: Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Dhaka, Bangladesh (09. January 2010): pp. 1-10.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L11 - Production, Pricing, and Market Structure / Size Distribution of Firms / R3 - Production Analysis and Firm Location / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): A conceptual model of virtual product development process. Published in: In: 2nd Seminar on Engineering and Information Technology, (SEIT 2009), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. (08. July 2009): pp. 191-196.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / P4 - Other Economic Systems / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Applied Mechanics and Materials; October 2011, Vol. 110 Issue: 1 p258-266, 9p
Wazed, M. A. / Ahmed, S. / Nukman, Yusoff / Ale Ebrahim, Nader
Database :



Academic Journal
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 2012, Vol. 5, Issue 1, p.9
Nader Ale Ebrahim / Shamsuddin Ahmed / Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid / Zahari Taha
Database : Directory of Open Access Journals


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtuality, Innovation and R&D Activities. Published in: 14th International Conference on Thinking (ICOT 2009). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (24. June 2009): pp. 515-529.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development. Published in: The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference, Nusa Dua, Bali - Indonesia (December 2008): 795-806.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / O14 - Industrialization / Manufacturing and Service Industries / Choice of Technology / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / L2 - Firm Objectives, Organization, and Behavior / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): R&D Network and value Creation in SMEs. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (30. June 2008): pp. 1-6.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): New Product Development in Virtual Environment. Published in: International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, CAMOT 2008, UIBE, Beijing, China, (22. October 2008): pp. 203-218.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : M5 - Personnel Economics / L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / P4 - Other Economic Systems / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Virtual teams: A literature review. Published in: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , Vol. 3, No. 3 (2009): pp. 2653-2669.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L11 - Production, Pricing, and Market Structure / Size Distribution of Firms / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / L7 - Industry Studies: Primary Products and Construction / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy. Published in: In: Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, Tehran, Iran. (29. June 2008): pp. 1-8.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : Z13 - Social Norms and Social Capital / Social Networks / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / D8 - Information, Knowledge, and Uncertainty / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2008): Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development. Published in: proceeding of National Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (DECON) 2008, Melaka, Malaysia. (28. October 2008): pp. 1-4.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / P4 - Other Economic Systems / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Fattahi, Hamaid Ali and Golnam, Arash (2008): Virtual marketing in virtual enterprises. Published in: In: 2nd International Marketing Management conference, Tehran, Iran. pp. 1-12. (22. January 2008): pp. 1-12.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O1 - Economic Development / M31 - Marketing / M3 - Marketing and Advertising / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ghazizadeh, Ali; Golnam, Arash and Tahbaz Tavakoli, Hamid (2007): R&D Management in Iran, Opportunities and Threats. Published in: 16th International Conference on Management of Technology (IAMOT 2007), 'Management of Technology for the Service Economy', Miami Beach Resort & Spa, Miami Beach, Florida, USA. (15. May 2007): pp. 1-7.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / M54 - Labor Management (team formation, worker empowerment, job design, tasks and authority, work arrangemetns, job satisfaction) / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L1 - Market Structure, Firm Strategy, and Market Performance / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster



Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Rostamnezhad, Maziar and Momeni, Ali (2005): Research, Development, Production and Performance of heavy duty CNG fleets in Iran. Published in: ANGVA 2005 (06. May 2008): pp. 1-13.
Ale Ebrahim, Nader
주제어 : O1 - Economic Development / L11 - Production, Pricing, and Market Structure / Size Distribution of Firms / L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2012) Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5 (1). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1793-8244
주제어 : Human-computer Interaction / Engineering / Computer-Aided Engineering / Electronic and Electrical Engineering / Technologies / Social studies / Industrial/Product Design / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Taha, Zahari (2012) Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development. Scientific Research and Essay, 7 (21). pp. 1971-1985. ISSN 1992-2248
주제어 : Business and Administrative studies / Education / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) Virtual R&D teams and SMEs' growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. African Journal of Business Management, 4 (11). pp. 2368-2379. ISSN 1993-8233
주제어 : Engineering / Technologies / Business and Administrative studies / Others in Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team. African Journal of Business Management, 4 (11). pp. 2247-2257. ISSN 1993-8233
주제어 : Engineering / Business and Administrative studies / Management studies / Education / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Raval, MR. R. R. and Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) WORK TOGETHER… WHEN APART CHALLENGES AND WHAT IS NEED FOR EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAMS. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration, 1 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 0975 – 671X
주제어 : Technologies / Social studies / Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2010) SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5 (7). pp. 916-930. ISSN 1992-1950
주제어 : Engineering / Technologies / Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Shafia, Mohammad Ali; Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Innovation Process is Facilitated in Virtual Environment of R&D Teams. Published in: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN09), Barcelona, Spain. (08. July 2009): pp. 2157-2166.
Shafia, Mohammad Ali
주제어 : L6 - Industry Studies: Manufacturing / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O31 - Innovation and Invention: Processes and Incentives / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Innovation and R & D Activities in Virtual Team. European Journal of Scientific Research, 34 (3). pp. 297-307. ISSN 1450-216X
주제어 : Engineering / Technologies / Sociology of Science and Technology / Business and Administrative studies / Others in Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process. African Journal of Marketing Management, 1 (9). pp. 211-219. ISSN 1993-8233
주제어 : Engineering / Technologies / Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster



Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009) Virtual Teams: a Literature Review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3 (3). pp. 2653-2669. ISSN 1991-8178
주제어 : Engineering / Technologies / Business and Administrative studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Shafia, Mohammad Ali; Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari (2009): Consideration of the virtual team work and disabled citizens, as promising opportunity providers for the e government infrastructure's formation. Published in: The Second Conference on Electronic City (e-city 2009), Tehran, Iran. (25. May 2009): pp. 959-966.
Shafia, Mohammad Ali
주제어 : O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / M12 - Personnel Management / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / P23 - Factor and Product Markets / Industry Studies / Population / L15 - Information and Product Quality / Standardization and Compatibility / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Bildung und Erziehung / Education / Informationsmanagement, informationelle Prozesse, Informationsökonomie / Information Management, Information Processes, Information Economics / neue Technologie / new technology / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Effizienz / efficiency / EDV-Programm / data processing program / 10600 / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza; Ale Ebrahim, Nader; Golnam, Arash; Vasei, M. and Ghazizadeh-Moghaddam, Ali (2006): Analysis of Opportunities and Challenges for R&D Management and the Role of the R&D Society for its Improvement – A Case Study in Iran. Published in: Proceeding of the R&D Management Conf., Lake Windermere: England (06. July 2006): pp. 1-7.
TavakkoliMoghaddam, Reza
주제어 : O1 - Economic Development / M11 - Production Management / M1 - Business Administration / M12 - Personnel Management / O32 - Management of Technological Innovation and R&D / P42 - Productive Enterprises / Factor and Product Markets / Prices / Population / L17 - Open Source Products and Markets / O3 - Technological Change / Research and Development / MPRA Paper / NonPeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / collaboration / questionnaires / communication / information / integration / performance / success / cross-functional teams / product development / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Team / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Informationstechnologie / information technology / Effektivität / effectiveness / Leistungsfähigkeit / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Malaysia / Iran / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / collaboration teams / questionnaires / performance / cross-functional teams / product development / structural equation modeling / measurement model / literature review / Sociology of Science, Sociology of Technology, Research on Science and Technology / Wissenschaftssoziologie, Wissenschafts-, Technikforschung, Techniksoziologie / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Teamarbeit / teamwork / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Effektivität / effectiveness / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Software / Management / Internet / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / 90B50, 90C29, 90C31, 91A35, 91B06 / D.2.9 / K.1 / text
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / A.0 / text
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Definition / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Teamarbeit / teamwork / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / monograph / other / Sonstiges
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / new product development / survey finding / small and medium enterprises / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Produkt / product / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Malaysia / Effizienz / efficiency / empirical / empirisch / incollection / Konferenzbeitrag / conference paper / collection article / Sammelwerksbeitrag
Database : OAIster



Electronic Resource
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / 90B50, 90C29, 90C31, 91A35, 91B06 / D.2.9 / K.1 / text
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Computer Science - Other Computer Science / A.0 / text
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / Team / Forschung und Entwicklung / Wissensarbeit / Kommunikationstechnologie / Informationstechnologie / Effektivität / Leistungsfähigkeit / virtuelles Unternehmen / Malaysia / Iran / virtual teams / collaboration / questionnaires / communication / information / integration / performance / success / cross-functional teams / product development
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Sociology of Science, Sociology of Technology, Research on Science and Technology (10220) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Forschung und Entwicklung / Teamarbeit / virtuelles Unternehmen / Effektivität / Kommunikationstechnologie / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Software / Management / Internet / collaboration teams / questionnaires / performance / cross-functional teams / product development / structural equation modeling / measurement model / literature review
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / literature review / effective virtual team / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Unternehmen / enterprise / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Team / Organisation / organization / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Effizienz / efficiency / neue Technologie / new technology / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / literature review / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Effizienz / efficiency / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / new product development / R&D / medium-sized enterprises / information-technology / communication technology / development management / manufacturing smes / distributed teams / innovation knowledge / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Kooperation / cooperation / Effizienz / efficiency / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Kommunikationstechnologie / Informationstechnologie / information technology / Innovation / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / Virtual R&D team / small and medium enterprises / survey / developing countries / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / Effizienz / efficiency / Wachstum / growth / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Iran / Malaysia / Entwicklungsland / developing country / empirical / empirisch / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Forschung und Entwicklung / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / virtuelles Unternehmen / Wettbewerb / Produktmanagement / Produkt / Planung / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Kooperation / Malaysia / Team / Effizienz / Virtual Teams / New Product Development / Survey Finding / Small and Medium Enterprises
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Kommunikationstechnologie / virtuelles Unternehmen / Team / Forschung und Entwicklung / Bildung / collaboration / virtual teams / SMEs / education
Database : OAIster



Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual R&D teams / new product development / virtual experience / R&D engineers / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Unternehmen / enterprise / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / Kommunikationstechnologie / communication technology / Ingenieur / engineer / Team / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / Sociology of Work, Industrial Sociology, Industrial Relations / Industrie- und Betriebssoziologie, Arbeitssoziologie, industrielle Beziehungen / Interpersonal Communication / interpersonelle Kommunikation / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Team / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / virtual community / Kooperation / cooperation / neue Technologie / new technology / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / Effektivität / effectiveness / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Forschung und Entwicklung / virtuelles Unternehmen / Kooperation / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / Team / neue Technologie / Malaysia / produzierendes Gewerbe / small and medium enterprises / collaborative tools / questionnaires / virtual teams / JEL-codes: O32, O14, M11, O43, Z0, L23, L15, O31, M21
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / virtual team / literature review / innovation / research and development / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / Unternehmen / enterprise / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Effizienz / efficiency / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Kooperation / cooperation / Team / Informationstechnologie / information technology / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / Survey findings / new product development / factor analysis / virtual team / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Manufacturing / Produktion / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Wirtschaftswachstum / economic growth / Entwicklungsland / developing country / Iran / Malaysia / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology / Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / Economics / Wirtschaft / small and medium enterprises / collaborative tools / questionnaires / virtual teams / JEL-codes: O32, O14, M11, O43, Z0, L23, L15, O31, M21 / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Management Science / Management / Technology Assessment / Technikfolgenabschätzung / Forschung und Entwicklung / research and development / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / Kooperation / cooperation / Kleinbetrieb / small business / Mittelbetrieb / medium-sized firm / Team / neue Technologie / new technology / Malaysia / produzierendes Gewerbe / manufacturing industry / empirical / empirisch / incollection / Konferenzbeitrag / conference paper / collection article / Sammelwerksbeitrag
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing / Publizistische Medien, Journalismus,Verlagswesen / Economics / Wirtschaft / Modified stage-gate system / virtual product development / conceptual model / JEL Classifications: L15, L23, O14, Q31, Q32 / Interactive Media / interaktive, elektronische Medien / Political Economy / Volkswirtschaftslehre / Manufacturing / Produktion / Unternehmen / enterprise / produzierendes Gewerbe / manufacturing industry / Produkt / product / Entwicklung / development / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / competitiveness / Flexibilität / flexibility / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtual business / computervermittelte Kommunikation / computer-mediated communication / neue Technologie / new technology / article / Zeitschriftenartikel / journal article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / virtuelles Unternehmen / Team / neue Technologie / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Kooperation / Produkt / Forschung und Entwicklung / Malaysia / Effizienz / virtual teams / new product development / survey finding / small and medium enterprises
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / Forschung und Entwicklung / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / Effizienz / Wachstum / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / Iran / Malaysia / Entwicklungsland / Virtual R&D team / small and medium enterprises / survey / developing countries
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Manufacturing (1090404) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / Produkt / Entwicklung / Team / virtuelles Unternehmen / Wirtschaftswachstum / Entwicklungsland / Iran / Malaysia / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Survey findings / new product development / factor analysis / virtual team
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 




Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / virtuelles Unternehmen / Team / neue Technologie / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Kooperation / Effizienz / Forschung und Entwicklung / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / literature review
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Sociology of Work, Industrial Sociology, Industrial Relations (10204) / Interpersonal Communication (10803) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Team / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / Kooperation / neue Technologie / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Effektivität / virtual team
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Kleinbetrieb / Mittelbetrieb / virtuelles Unternehmen / Team / neue Technologie / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Kooperation / Effizienz / Forschung und Entwicklung / Produkt / Entwicklung / Kommunikationstechnologie / Informationstechnologie / Innovation / virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / new product development / R&D / medium-sized enterprises / information-technology / communication technology / development management / manufacturing smes / distributed teams / innovation knowledge
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Unternehmen / Produkt / Entwicklung / virtuelles Unternehmen / virtuelle Gemeinschaft / Forschung und Entwicklung / Kommunikationstechnologie / Ingenieur / Team / virtual R&D teams / new product development / virtual experience / R&D engineers
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Social sciences, sociology, anthropology (300) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Management Science (1090401) / Technology Assessment (20800) / Unternehmen / computervermittelte Kommunikation / Team / Organisation / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / virtuelles Unternehmen / Effizienz / neue Technologie / virtual team / literature review / effective virtual team
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
주제어 : News media, journalism, publishing (070) / Economics (330) / Interactive Media (1080404) / Political Economy (1090300) / Manufacturing (1090404) / Unternehmen / produzierendes Gewerbe / Produkt / Entwicklung / Wettbewerbsfähigkeit / Flexibilität / virtuelles Unternehmen / computervermittelte Kommunikation / neue Technologie / Modified stage-gate system / virtual product development / conceptual model / JEL Classifications: L15, L23, O14, Q31, Q32
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Ale Ebrahim, Nader and Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim and Ahmed, Shamsuddin and Taha, Zahari The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. ISSN 1598-7248
주제어 : Technologies / Business studies / Article / PeerReviewed
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
주제어 : [INFO:INFODL] Computer Science/Digital Libraries / [INFO:INFODL] Informatique/Bibliothèque électronique / [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SHS:GESTION] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management / Information and Communication Technology (ICT) development / H-index / Middle East / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Academic Leadership Journal
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SHS:GESTION] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management / Virtual R&D teams / Virtual Team / Management Challenge / Collaboration / ICT application / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Scientific Research and Essay
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / literature review / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster



Electronic Resource
European Journal of Educational Studies
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual R&D Teams / New Product Development / Virtual Experience / R&D Engineers / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
European Journal of Scientific Research
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual team / Literature review / Innovation / Research and Development / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual teams small and medium enterprises new product development R&D medium-sized enterprises information-technology communication technology development management manufacturing smes distributed teams innovation knowledge success design / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual team / Literature review / Effective virtual team / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
African Journal of Marketing Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Modified stage-gate system / virtual product development / conceptual model / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
African Journal of Business Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Survey findings new product development factor analysis virtual team medium-sized enterprises knowledge management perspective innovation internet network questionnaires communication information integration / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
주제어 : [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [INFO:INFOOH] Computer Science/Other / Collaboration teams / questionnaires / performance / cross-functional teams / product development / structural equation modeling / measurement model / literature review / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual team / Literature review / Effective virtual team / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Scientific Research and Essay
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / literature review / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Research World
주제어 : [INFO:INFOIA] Computer Science/Computer Aided Engineering / [INFO:INFOIA] Informatique/Ingénierie assistée par ordinateur / [SPI] Engineering Sciences / [SPI] Sciences de l'ingénieur / [SDE] Environmental Sciences / [SDE] Sciences de l'environnement / e-skills / Digital research tools / Research Tools / Emerging tools / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 




Electronic Resource
Asian Social Science
주제어 : [SHS:EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education / [SHS:EDU] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Education / [STAT:OT] Statistics/Other Statistics / [STAT:OT] Statistiques/Autres / [INFO:INFODB] Computer Science/Databases / [INFO:INFODB] Informatique/Base de données / Impact factor (IF) / Journal ranking / Criticism / Praise / SCOPUS / Web of science / Self-citation / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
주제어 : [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [SPI:OTHER] Sciences de l'ingénieur/Autre / [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SHS:GESTION] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management / [INFO:INFOIA] Computer Science/Computer Aided Engineering / [INFO:INFOIA] Informatique/Ingénierie assistée par ordinateur / [SHS:EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education / [SHS:EDU] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Education / Virtual teams / small and medium enterprises / new product development / R&D / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2012
주제어 : [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [SPI:OTHER] Sciences de l'ingénieur/Autre / [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SHS:GESTION] Sciences de l'Homme et Société/Gestion et management / [QFIN:RM] Quantitative Finance/Risk Management / [QFIN:RM] Économie et finance quantitative/Gestion des risques / Collaboration teams / questionnaires performance / cross-functional teams / product development / measurement model / virtual team / conference proceeding
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Asian Social Science
주제어 : [INFO:INFODB] Computer Science/Databases / [SDE] Environmental Sciences / [SHS:EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education / web of science / scopus / database / citations / provenance / coverage / searching / citation tracking / impact factor / indexing / h-index / researcher profile / researcher ID / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences
주제어 : [SHS:EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education / [INFO:INFODB] Computer Science/Databases / [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SDE:ES] Environmental Sciences/Environmental and Society / h-index / Scopus / Google Scholar / Web of Science / Nobel Prize / Physics / Chemistry / Economic Sciences / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Academic Leadership Journal
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SHS:EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/Education / Virtual R&D teams / Collaboration / virtual teams / SMEs / Education / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Team / Virtual Team / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Scientific Research and Essay
주제어 : [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / Virtual teams / collaboration / questionnaires / communication / information / integration / performance / success / cross-functional teams / product development / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
African Journal of Business Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [INFO:INFOOH] Computer Science/Other / Virtual R&D team small and medium enterprises survey developing countries medium-sized enterprises product development teams information-systems manufacturing SMEs small businesses large firms innovation communication technology questionnaires / article in peer-reviewed journal
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
African Journal of Business Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / [INFO:INFOOH] Computer Science/Other / Virtual R&D team small and medium enterprises survey developing countries medium-sized enterprises product development teams information-systems manufacturing SMEs small businesses large firms innovation communication technology questionnaires / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 




Electronic Resource
African Journal of Marketing Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Modified stage-gate system / virtual product development / conceptual model / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
European Journal of Educational Studies
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual R&D Teams / New Product Development / Virtual Experience / R&D Engineers / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
African Journal of Business Management
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Survey findings new product development factor analysis virtual team medium-sized enterprises knowledge management perspective innovation internet network questionnaires communication information integration / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
International Journal of the Physical Sciences
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual teams small and medium enterprises new product development R&D medium-sized enterprises information-technology communication technology development management manufacturing smes distributed teams innovation knowledge success design / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
European Journal of Scientific Research
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Virtual team / Literature review / Innovation / Research and Development / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster


Electronic Resource
Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration
주제어 : [SHS:GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration / [SPI:OTHER] Engineering Sciences/Other / Team / Virtual Team / peer-reviewed article
Database : OAIster

Full Text (OAIster - OA) 


Dankook University Center Library

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