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Friday, 30 January 2015

Patents Valuation and Coopetition Strategy Implementation in High-Technology Industry based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and System Dynamic Framework

Title page for etd-0120115-141420

URN etd-0120115-141420
Author Richard Giovanni Oentoro (溫忠儀)
Author's Email Address
Statistics This thesis had been viewed 17 times. Download 0 times.
Department Department of Industrial Management
Year 2014
Semester 1
Degree Master
Type of Document Master's Thesis
Language English
Title Patents Valuation and Coopetition Strategy
Implementation in High-Technology Industry based on Analytic Hierarchy
Process and System Dynamic Framework
Title (Chinese) 高科技產業專利鑑價與競合策略-層級分析法及系統動態建模
Date of Defense 2014-12-05
Page Count 109
  • Game theory

  • AHP

  • Patent valuation

  • System dynamics

  • Intangible assets

  • Keyword (Chinese)
  • 賽局理論

  • AHP

  • 系統動態

  • 專利價值

  • 有形資產

  • Abstract This study
    using two approaches in order to help the high technology industry faces
    the complex competition and market uncertainties. The first one by
    using the combination of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and System
    Dynamics (SD) to calculate the patent value that used in the high-tech
    Industry. And the second one was through examine the need of
    coopetition, one condition where the firms can cooperate and compete at
    the same time. Obtaining the right value of the patent can help the
    company in spending their R&D budget wisely and having better
    competitive advantage in the future. Through these two approaches, the
    profit that was expected to be earned by the company can be boosted.
    Three patents were considered to be applied in the product
    13.3”Notebook–DW30 by W corporation, one of the biggest ODM company in
    Taiwan. There are Magnetic Mechanism, Special Charging Function, and
    Concealable Connector. The model of the corporation consists of five sub
    model, demand order sub-model, project management sub-model, production
    control sub-model, research and development department sub-model, and
    financial planning sub-model. The second patent, Special Charging
    function with cumulative index of 24.86 shows the highest profit in this
    simulation, followed by the first patent, magnetic mechanism (24.11)
    and the third patent, concealable connector (18.74). And in terms of
    coopetition with the other firm, there was around 29,001,200 NTD of
    additional profit for BU A, and around 31,225,175 NTD for BU B if they
    choose to collaborate each other and sharing their technology. The
    result of this study could provide a scientific basis for the company
    management to make well founded management decisions as well as buying
    the right patent for the company.
    Abstract (Chinese) 本研究使用兩種方法幫助面臨高度
    Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS
    Abstract i
    摘要 ii
    Acknowledgement iii
    list of tables viii
    List of Figures x
    1. Introduction 1
    1.1 Research Background 1
    1.2 Research Objectives 3
    1.3 Problem Definition 4
    1.4 Research Process 5
    1.5 Research Framework 6
    2. Literature review 7
    2.1 Patent Valuation 7
    2.1.1 Discounted Cash Flow 8
    2.1.2 Continuous time – Black Scholes (B-S) Option Pricing Models 9
    2.2 AHP 10
    2.3 Game theory and Coopetition Strategy 12
    2.4 System Dynamics 13
    2.5 Company Case Profile 16
    3. Valuing Patent criteria and System Dynamic Implementation 19
    3.1 Calculation of the Patent Index 21
    3.2 AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 22
    3.3 System Dynamics 27
    3.3.1 Causal Loop of the System 27
    3.3.2 Process flow design and mathematical model 27
    3.3.3 Demand Order 33
    3.3.4 Project Management 34
    3.3.5 Production control 35
    3.3.6 Research and Development 36
    3.3.7 Financial planning department 37
    3.3.8 Verification and Validation 38
    3.3.8 Model Verification 38
    3.3.9 Model Validation 39
    3.4 Individual Firm Simulation 41
    3.5 Scenario Development 43
    3.5.1. Patent Implementation Scenario 44
    3.5.2 Expert Preferences Scenario 47
    3.6 Taguchi Robust Design 52
    4. Modelling of two business unit 56
    4.1 BU A and BU B Base Model 56
    4.2 Technology Valuation Modelling 57
    4.2.1. Technology Classification 58
    4.2.2. Simulation of Technology Valuation 58
    4.3 Firm cooperation strategy - business process model 65
    4.4 Relationship between two firms 67
    4.5 BU technology exchange 72
    4.6 Coopetition strategy profit analysis 75
    4.7 Taguchi Robust Design for 2 BU 77
    5. Conclusion 81
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    Advisory Committee
  • Sophia Wang - Advisory Committee

  • Ren-Jieh Kuo - Advisory Committee

  • Kung-Jeng Wang - Adviser

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  • etd-0120115-141420.pdf

  • Indicate in-campus at 2 year and off-campus access at 2 year.
    Date of Submission 2015-01-23

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    Title page for etd-0120115-141420

    Thursday, 22 January 2015

    Bibliometric study of "Profesorado. Journal of curriculum and Teacher Education"

    Volume 18, Issue 3, 1 September 2014, Pages 191-212

    Bibliometric study of "Profesorado. Journal of curriculum and Teacher Education" (1997-2013)  (Article)

    [Estudio bibliométrico de "profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado" (1997-2013)]

    Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain

    Universidad de Sevilla, Spain


    This article presents a bibliometric
    analysis of the Journal Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación
    del profesorado since its founding in 1997 until the last issue of 2013.
    We analyzed 553 articles corresponding to volumes ranging between 1.1
    and 17.3. The information was obtained from the electronic version of
    the journal and the following bibliometric indicators were established:
    number of articles according to publication year, methodology, topic,
    authorship index, authors' institutional affiliation, and productivity
    by country. For the development of this research, data were categorized
    and filtered from Google Scholar and the Journal Citations Report.

    Author keywords

    Bibliometric analysis; Education; Impact index; Scientific production

    ISSN: 1138414X
    Source Type: Journal
    Original language: Spanish

    Document Type: Article
    Publisher: Grupo de Investigacion FORCE

    Scopus - Document details

    Sunday, 11 January 2015

    Citation: What’s the big deal?

    Citation: What’s the big deal?

    The distribution of scientific, scholarly, and professional
    information has changed due to the advent of digital publishing forms.
    Previously, most journals and data were distributed via analog methods
    such as paper. However, that changed during the 1990s as digital forms
    of scholarly papers and journals became available. Just as soon as these
    digital forms became available, problems and questions arose in the
    library community about their use and comparative effectiveness. Some
    problems were more particularly focused on the distribution of scholarly
    information, and others with such issues as cost, ownership and access,
    and determination of quality.

    Although there have been many problems with this new method for the
    distribution of information, it can be argued that these innovations
    have done more good than they have harm. Innovations in digital
    publishing have enhanced the “value chain of scholarship” by allowing
    more data to be available easier and inexpensively. Many more articles
    can be accessed than ever before. However, there are negatives, in one
    study it was reported that it took twice as long to browse, search for,
    and locate articles in the digital era (Borgman 2007).

    It cannot be denied that digital changes to scholarly publishing over
    the last twenty years have made the job of libraries and librarians
    more complex. For example, instead of buying print versions of journals,
    most libraries pay for digital databases. In turn, scholars and
    students are dependent upon these databases and do not purchase their
    own subscriptions to journals (Borgman 2007). In the past, when
    libraries paid for items, they retained them in their collections, but
    with the license database model, this is not the case. Does paying for
    access mean that libraries are dependent on third party companies? Some
    might say that libraries have been dependent on companies for services
    such as cataloguing well before the digital era. We are certainly more
    dependent on external services due to their breadth and depth of
    content. It seems too early to say if the changes to database services
    are positive or negative overall.

    These complications merely keep pace with the complication that has
    consumed the rest of the world. Although technologies change at a rapid
    pace, often the institutions that use them do not change as quickly
    (Borgman 2007). We cannot expect our profession to remain isolated among
    changes in related industries and at the world at large.

    One of the more interesting changes in scholarly publication has been
    the emergence of papers that are published in lesser-known journals
    being more widely cited. Before the advent of digital journal databases,
    scholarly information was more restricted because by default it needed
    to go through several gates of control before publication and
    distribution. Journals gained prestige and articles published in highly
    rated journals were often articles that became highly rated themselves.
    What does it mean for relatively independent articles and journals to
    become more highly cited? To what degree does citation matter in
    determining the importance of an article? Often times, an article that
    has been peer reviewed is considered better. Peer review as a gold
    standard in academic publication could perhaps be changing due to the
    widening of the market, resulting in easier discovery for documents that
    are given keywords or tags in digital databases. The ‘impact factor’ of
    specific journals is declining as the citations are spread more widely
    across the field. It is interesting to note some articles that not
    published in peer-reviewed journals, ones that would not have wide
    circulation were it not for these digital repositories, are actually
    being cited just as frequently as ones that were peer-reviewed (Lozano
    2012). This, in turn, brings up the question of the value of the
    peer-review process.

    Citation, on its own, has long been viewed as a marker of quality.
    Many frequently cited articles reference frequently cited articles of
    the past, creating a chain effect (Corbyn 2010). Another aspect of the
    citation chain has been the finding that the more references a paper
    has, the more likely it is to be cited by other papers (Corbyn 2010). It
    has also been made clear that there are other ways to influence
    citation rankings, especially when the articles are searchable within
    digital databases (Ale Ebrahim 2013). Some current authors have
    contended that including citation information is a burden and
    unnecessary when one can Google the necessary information (Parks 2014).
    However, some have also lamented the trend of leaving back matter off
    printed material, with a note for the reader to go online for a list of
    the sources (Heller 2014).

    Born-digital documents, and eBooks that do not have page numbers are
    creating citation as well as indexing problems. The structures of
    digital documents can in theory be very different from analog documents,
    although they commonly emulate standards of printed documents.
    Libraries must prepare for a shift towards complex digital documents
    instead of facsimiles of printed material in databases. The lack of page
    numbers and other document segmentation elements have required the
    creation of new methods of annotation (Prator 2013). Along with the
    shift in format comes a shift in the methods of citation. Though these
    methods are shifting, citation does not become less necessary. Even in
    very modern contexts, such as rap lyrics, the idea of crediting the
    proper author has not become less necessary (Craig 2013).

    Does the ability to have articles more widely disseminated improve
    scholarly communication? At the very least, we see that it opens access
    to those who would not get a chance to see their work widely distributed
    otherwise. Could we then argue that the opening up digital scholarship
    waters down the content? Instead, we must focus as libraries on
    determining the value and quality of content and instructing students
    and researchers on these methods. How can we ensure that scholarship in
    the digital age is an improvement? We can foster greater collaboration
    between libraries and research institutions, and come up with new ways
    to mark up digital documents. We can share the cost of digital
    publications and realize the value of easy access to data and articles
    without taking our current infrastructure for granted.


    Ebrahim, Nader, Hadi Salehi, Mohamed Amin Embi, Farid Habibi Tanha,
    Hossein       Gholizadeh, Seyed Mohammad Motahar, and Ali Ordi. 2013.
    “Effective Strategies for Increasing Citation Frequency.”
    International Education Studies 6 (11): 93–99. doi:10.5539/ies.v6n11p93.

    Borgman, Christine. 2007. Scholarship in the Digital Age. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

    Corbyn, Zoe. 2010. “To Be the Best, Cite the Best.” Nature. doi:10.1038/news.2010.539.

    Corbyn, Zoë. 2010. “An Easy Way to Boost a Paper’s Citations.” Nature. doi:10.1038/news.2010.406.

    Craig, Todd. 2013. “‘’Jackin’ for Beats’’: DJing for Citation Critique.” Radical Teacher 97: 20.

    Heller, Nathan. 2014. “Save Footnotes.” The New Yorker, September.

    Lozano, George A. 2012. “The Weakening Relationship Between the Impact Factor and Papers’ Citations in the Digital Age.” American Society for Information Science and Technology 63 (October/11): 2140–45. doi:10.1002/asi.

    Parks, Tim. 2014. “References, Please.” The New York Review of Books, NYR Blog.

    Prätor, Klaus M. 2013. “Reference and annotation in digital texts:
    From citation to “Watson””.   2013 3rd International Symposium
    ISKO-Maghreb: 1-7.

    Tagged ,

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    citation | Rose Claire

    Sunday, 4 January 2015

    Navigare nel mare di Scopus, Web of science e Google Scholar: l’avvio di una ricerca sulla vitalità delle discipline archivistiche e biblioteconomiche italiane

    Navigare nel mare di Scopus, Web of science e
    Google Scholar: l’avvio di una ricerca sulla vitalità delle discipline
    archivistiche e biblioteconomiche italiane

    Simona Turbanti


    Il contributo nasce parallelamente all’avvio di una ricerca
    all’interno del 29. ciclo di dottorato in Scienze documentarie,
    linguistiche e letterarie dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma, che si
    propone di analizzare il livello di salute degli studi del settore
    M-STO/08, inteso come capacità di uscire fuori dalla propria nicchia ed
    essere presenti in aree disciplinari e/o linguistiche esterne alla
    Si descrive la ricerca – effettuata nei due grandi database
    citazionali, Web of science e Scopus, e in Google Scholar – dei lavori
    scientifici dei docenti e ricercatori del settore M-STO/08, illustrando
    il metodo seguito, le principali differenze d'uso nonché i limiti dei
    database interrogati. Si analizzano in particolare i criteri adottati
    per l’organizzazione del lavoro in Scholar, il problema della corretta
    identificazione dell'autore e la successiva pulizia delle informazioni
    ottenute. Vengono quindi esposti i risultati raggiunti
    nell’interrogazione delle banche dati di Thomson Reuters e Elsevier e le
    difficoltà incontrate nell’ambiente Google.
    Il quadro che emerge,
    oltre a confermare la complessità di uso degli strumenti citazionali,
    mostra come sia difficile ricavare risultati quantitativi rilevanti in
    contesti come quelli delle discipline LIS italiane, poco rappresentati
    nel panorama citazionale. La priorità emersa al termine di questa prima
    fase della ricerca è dunque quella della collocazione dei dati
    quantitativi all’interno di un corretta cornice di riferimento; solo in
    tal modo, infatti, si potrà cercare di rappresentare nel modo più
    oggettivo possibile i fenomeni di presenza e impatto – in altre parole,
    di internazionalizzazione e vitalità – delle discipline LIS italiane.


    bibliometric methods; google scholar; citation culture

    Full Text


    Navigare nel mare di Scopus, Web of science e... | Turbanti | AIB studi

    Thursday, 1 January 2015

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    development projects are increasingly geographical distributed with
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    failure. Co-sourcing is a highly integrative and cohesive approach, seen
    successful, to software development offshoring. However, research of
    how co-sourcing shapes the perception and alleviation of common
    offshoring risks is limited. We present a case study of how a certified
    CMMI-level 5 Danish software supplier approaches these risks in offshore
    co-sourcing. The paper explains how common offshoring risks are
    perceived and alleviated when adopting the co-sourcing strategy in a
    mature (CMMI level 5) software development organization. We found that
    most of the common offshoring risks were perceived and alleviated in
    accordance with previous research, with the exception of the task
    distribution risk area. In this case, high task uncertainty,
    equivocality, and coupling across sites was perceived more as risk
    alleviation than risk taking. This perception of task distribution was
    combined with high attention to the closely interrelated structure and
    technology components in terms of CMMI and the actors’ cohesion and
    integration in terms of Scrum.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationeProceedings of the 8th International Research Workshop on Information Technology Project Management (IRWITPM)
    Number of pages10
    PublisherAIS Special Interest Group on Information Technology Project Management
    Publication date2013


    ConferenceInternational Research Workshop on IT Project Management

    Co-sourcing in software development offshoring - Research - Aalborg University

    Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Open Access Articles | Digital Commons Network™

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