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Patents Valuation and Coopetition Strategy Implementation in High-Technology Industry based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and System Dynamic Framework

Title page for etd-0120115-141420

URN etd-0120115-141420
Author Richard Giovanni Oentoro (溫忠儀)
Author's Email Address
Statistics This thesis had been viewed 17 times. Download 0 times.
Department Department of Industrial Management
Year 2014
Semester 1
Degree Master
Type of Document Master's Thesis
Language English
Title Patents Valuation and Coopetition Strategy
Implementation in High-Technology Industry based on Analytic Hierarchy
Process and System Dynamic Framework
Title (Chinese) 高科技產業專利鑑價與競合策略-層級分析法及系統動態建模
Date of Defense 2014-12-05
Page Count 109
  • Game theory

  • AHP

  • Patent valuation

  • System dynamics

  • Intangible assets

  • Keyword (Chinese)
  • 賽局理論

  • AHP

  • 系統動態

  • 專利價值

  • 有形資產

  • Abstract This study
    using two approaches in order to help the high technology industry faces
    the complex competition and market uncertainties. The first one by
    using the combination of AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and System
    Dynamics (SD) to calculate the patent value that used in the high-tech
    Industry. And the second one was through examine the need of
    coopetition, one condition where the firms can cooperate and compete at
    the same time. Obtaining the right value of the patent can help the
    company in spending their R&D budget wisely and having better
    competitive advantage in the future. Through these two approaches, the
    profit that was expected to be earned by the company can be boosted.
    Three patents were considered to be applied in the product
    13.3”Notebook–DW30 by W corporation, one of the biggest ODM company in
    Taiwan. There are Magnetic Mechanism, Special Charging Function, and
    Concealable Connector. The model of the corporation consists of five sub
    model, demand order sub-model, project management sub-model, production
    control sub-model, research and development department sub-model, and
    financial planning sub-model. The second patent, Special Charging
    function with cumulative index of 24.86 shows the highest profit in this
    simulation, followed by the first patent, magnetic mechanism (24.11)
    and the third patent, concealable connector (18.74). And in terms of
    coopetition with the other firm, there was around 29,001,200 NTD of
    additional profit for BU A, and around 31,225,175 NTD for BU B if they
    choose to collaborate each other and sharing their technology. The
    result of this study could provide a scientific basis for the company
    management to make well founded management decisions as well as buying
    the right patent for the company.
    Abstract (Chinese) 本研究使用兩種方法幫助面臨高度
    Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS
    Abstract i
    摘要 ii
    Acknowledgement iii
    list of tables viii
    List of Figures x
    1. Introduction 1
    1.1 Research Background 1
    1.2 Research Objectives 3
    1.3 Problem Definition 4
    1.4 Research Process 5
    1.5 Research Framework 6
    2. Literature review 7
    2.1 Patent Valuation 7
    2.1.1 Discounted Cash Flow 8
    2.1.2 Continuous time – Black Scholes (B-S) Option Pricing Models 9
    2.2 AHP 10
    2.3 Game theory and Coopetition Strategy 12
    2.4 System Dynamics 13
    2.5 Company Case Profile 16
    3. Valuing Patent criteria and System Dynamic Implementation 19
    3.1 Calculation of the Patent Index 21
    3.2 AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) 22
    3.3 System Dynamics 27
    3.3.1 Causal Loop of the System 27
    3.3.2 Process flow design and mathematical model 27
    3.3.3 Demand Order 33
    3.3.4 Project Management 34
    3.3.5 Production control 35
    3.3.6 Research and Development 36
    3.3.7 Financial planning department 37
    3.3.8 Verification and Validation 38
    3.3.8 Model Verification 38
    3.3.9 Model Validation 39
    3.4 Individual Firm Simulation 41
    3.5 Scenario Development 43
    3.5.1. Patent Implementation Scenario 44
    3.5.2 Expert Preferences Scenario 47
    3.6 Taguchi Robust Design 52
    4. Modelling of two business unit 56
    4.1 BU A and BU B Base Model 56
    4.2 Technology Valuation Modelling 57
    4.2.1. Technology Classification 58
    4.2.2. Simulation of Technology Valuation 58
    4.3 Firm cooperation strategy - business process model 65
    4.4 Relationship between two firms 67
    4.5 BU technology exchange 72
    4.6 Coopetition strategy profit analysis 75
    4.7 Taguchi Robust Design for 2 BU 77
    5. Conclusion 81
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    Advisory Committee
  • Sophia Wang - Advisory Committee

  • Ren-Jieh Kuo - Advisory Committee

  • Kung-Jeng Wang - Adviser

  • Files

  • etd-0120115-141420.pdf

  • Indicate in-campus at 2 year and off-campus access at 2 year.
    Date of Submission 2015-01-23

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    1 comment:

    1. Thanks for sharing Patent Valuation and coopetition strategy Implementation and analysis. Its very helpful. Registered Patent Attorney India
