Nader Ale Ebrahim
Updated June 2013
Technology Management Consultant, "Research Tools" Advisor

- Technology Management,
- Virtual R&D teams,
- Virtual Teams,
- Stage-Gate,
- Global Virtual Teams,
- Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development,
- R&D Management,
- Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs),
- Industrial Engineering,
- New Product Development,
- Collaborative systems,
- Electronic-Collaboration,
- Collaboration Technology,
- Concurrent Engineering,
Journal Paper
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., ABDUL RASHID, S. H., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2011. The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10, 109-114.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. 2012. Effective Virtual Teams for New Product Development[1]. Scientific Research and Essay, 7, 1971-1985.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. 2012. Technology Use in the Virtual R&D Teams[2]. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 5, 9-14.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H., TAHA, Z. & WAZED, M. A. 2012. Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs[3]. Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Innovation and R&D Activities in Virtual Team[4]. European Journal of Scientific Research, 34, 297-307.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Modified Stage-Gate: A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process[5]. African Journal of Marketing Management, 1, 211-219.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Virtual R & D teams in small and medium enterprises: A literature review. Scientific Research and Essay, 4, 1575–1590.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Virtual Teams for New Product Development – An Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. European Journal of Educational Studies, 1, 109-123.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Virtual Teams: a Literature Review. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 3, 2653-2669.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team[6]. African Journal of Business Management, 4, 2247-2257.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5, 916–930.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. African Journal of Business Management, 4, 2368-2379.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2011. Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. Academic Leadership Journal, 9, 1-5.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2011. Virtual Teams and Management Challenges[7]. Academic Leadership Journal, 9, 1-7.
- EBRAHIM, N. A., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team [8]. African Journal of Business Management, 4, 2247-2257.
- EBRAHIM, N. A., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. SMEs; Virtual research and development (R&D) teams and new product development: A literature review. International Journal of the Physical Sciences, 5, 916-930.
- EBRAHIM, N. A., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. Virtual R&D teams and SMEs growth: A comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs. African Journal of Business Management, 4, 2368-2379.
- JAFARNEJAD, A., GOLNAM, A. & ALE EBRAHIM, N. 2009. Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Iran: An Empirical Study Using Structural Equation Modelling. Middle East FORUM, 1, 71-85.
- RAVAL, M. R. R., ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2010. WORK TOGETHER… WHEN APART CHALLENGES AND WHAT IS NEED FOR EFFECTIVE VIRTUAL TEAMS. Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration, 1, 1-3.
- SHOKOUHMAND, H. & ALE EBRAHIM, N. 1997. انتقال حرارت توأم با تقطير بخار آب در مبدلهاي لوله – پره اي نشریه دانشکده فنی, 1, 69-80.
- WAZED, M. A., AHMED, S., NUKMAN, Y. & ALE EBRAHIM, N. 2012. Models for Component Commonality in Multistage Production. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 110-116, 258-266.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. 2010. The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. 11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2010 (APIEMS 2010) December 7-10 2010 Melaka, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: University of Malaya Press, 1-6.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration. 2010 2nd International Congress on Engineering Education (ICEED 2010), 8th – 9th December 2010 Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7-9.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business. International Conference on Entrepreneurship Across Boundaries, 5 – 6 AUGUST 2010 Section For Co-curricular Courses, External Faculty Electives and TITAS, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1-5.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. 2011. Knowledge Worker Role in the Virtual R&D Teams for New Product Development: A Measurement Model. International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2011 (ICMERE2011), 22- 24 December 2011 Chittagong, Bangladesh. Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, 1-5.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H. & TAHA, Z. 2011. Managing Communication in New Product Development Process: Virtual R&D Teams and Information Technology. United Kingdom – Malaysia – Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011) 12-14 July 2011 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. University of Malaya Press, 495-502.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H., TAHA, Z. & MOHAMMADJAFARI, M. Process Construct in the Virtual R&D Teams. In: KACHITVICHYANUKUL, V., LUONG, H. T. & PITAKASO, R., eds. Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference 2012, December 2-4 2012 Patong Beach, Phuket, Thailand. Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Society, 1822-1828.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S., ABDUL RASHID, S. H., TAHA, Z. & WAZED, M. A. 2011. Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs. In: THATCHER, S. & VENKATESH, eds. 2nd International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies (MIMT 2011), February 26-28 2011 Hotel Royal, Singapore. Chengdu, China: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., V2-114 – V2-117.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Concurrent Collaboration in Research and Development. National Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering (DECON) 2008, 28-29 October 2008 Melaka, Malaysia. 1-4.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2008. Dealing with Virtual R&D Teams in New Product Development. The 9th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering & Management Systems Conference and the 11th Asia Pacific Regional Meeting of the International Foundation for Production Research, 3 – 5 December 2008 Nusa Dua, Bali – Indonesia. Printed in Bandung, INDONESIA, by Department of Industrial Engineering Institut Teknologi Bandung: Department of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 795-806.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2008. Establishing Virtual R&D Teams: Obliged Policy 6th IMC (International Management Conference). Tehran, Iran.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Literature, Principle and the basics of Network Value Creation in R&D: The relationship with economy. Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, 29-30 June 2008 IRIB Int’l. Conference Center, Tehran, Iran. 1-8.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2008. New Product Development in Virtual Environment. In: LI-HUA, R., EGBU, C., ZHAO, Z. & LU, L., eds. 2008 International Conference on Technology Management and Innovation in China: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century, 21st – 23rd October 2008 UIBE, Beijing, China. CAMOT and MOTSC, UIBE, 203-218.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. R&D Networking and value Creation in SMEs R&D Networking and value Creation in SMEs. Seventh conference of Industries and Mines R&D Centers- R&D and Network Value Creation, 29-30 June 2008 IRIB Int’l. Conference Center, Tehran, Iran. 1-6.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Relationship between R&D Globalization and R&D Virtualization. 3rd International conference on Postgraduate Education (ICPE3), December 16-17 2008 Penang, Malaysia.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Virtual Environments Innovation and R&D Activities: Management Challenges. Proceedings of the International Graduate on Engineering and Science (IGCES’08), 23 – 24 December 2008 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malaysia. 116-124.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Virtual R&D Teams for NPD in SMEs: Past, Present and Future Trend. APCMOTTE2008 (Asia pacific Conference on Management of Technology and Technology Entrepreneurship) 29-30 October 2008 Melaka, Malaysia. 1-10.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Virtual R&D Teams: A Sustainable Infrastructure for Promoting SMEs. 2nd Engineering Conference (EnCon 2008), 18-19 December 2008 Crowne Plaza Riverside Hotel, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia 217-223.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. A Conceptual Model of Virtual Product Development Process. 2nd Seminar on Engineering and Information Technology, (SEIT 2009), 8th – 9th July 2009 Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia. 191-196.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. SMEs and Virtual R&D Teams: A Motive Channel for Relationship between SMEs. In: IBRAHIM, F., CHOW, C.-O. & MEKHILEF, S., eds. The International Conference for Technical Postgraduates (TECHPOS 2009), 14-15 December 2009 The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 1-7.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. SMEs: ERP or Virtual Collaboration Teams. First Enterprise Resource Planning conference, January 27-28 2009 Tehran, Iran. 1-12.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Virtual R&D Teams: Innovation and Technology Facilitator Engineering Education in 2025, 11-12 May 2009 School of Engineering and Technology, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. University of Tehran, 1-14.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Virtual Teams and Management Challenges. 1st Executive MBA Conference, 18-19, May 2009 Tehran, Iran. 1-9.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Virtual Teams for NPD – an Innovative Experience for R&D Engineers. International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 24-25, June 2009 Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Malaysia. University Publication Centre (UPENA), UiTM 2009, 1036-1045.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. Virtuality, innovation and R&D activities. In: HOON, T. B. & GALEA, S. R., eds. 14th International Conference on Thinking (2009 Malaysia) -Theme “Thinking Minds: Nurturing the Design of a Better Future”, 22-26 June 2009 Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Universiti Putra Malaysia, 515-529.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Benefits and Pitfalls of Virtual R&D Teams: An Empirical Study. 6th International Communication & Information Technology Management Conference (ICTM 2010) February. 23-24 2010 Tehran, Iran. 1-5.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Envisages of New Product Developments in Small and Medium Enterprises through Virtual Team. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM2010) January 9-10 2010 Dhaka, Bangladesh. 1-10.
- ALE EBRAHIM, N., SHAFIA, M. A. & TAHBAZ TAVAKOLI, H. 2009. Virtual R&D team: Technology Transfer Facilitator. IAMOT 2009 -The 18th International Conference on Management of Technology, April 5-9 2009 Orlando, Florida, USA. 1-10.
- EBRAHIM, N. A., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2008. New Product Development in Virtual Environment, Sunderland, Camot.
- EBRAHIM, N. A., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2009. SMEs and Virtual R&D Teams: A Motive Channel for Relationship between SMEs, New York, Ieee.
- SHAFIA, M. A., ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Consideration of the virtual team work and disabled citizens, as promising opportunity providers for the e government infrastructure’s formation. The Second Conference on Electronic City (e-city 2009), 24-25, May 2009 Tehran, Iran. 959-966.
- SHAFIA, M. A., ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. Innovation Process is Facilitated in Virtual Environment of R&D Teams. International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN09), 6th-8th July 2009 Barcelona, Spain. 2157-2166.
- TAHBAZ TAVAKOLI, H., ALE EBRAHIM, N. & GOLNAM, A. Demystifying the Legend of Resistance to Change. IAMOT 2008 : 17th International Conference on Management of Technology 6th-10th April 2008 Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre (DICEC), Dubai, UAE. 1-8.
1. December 2010, Second prize of the EPD 2010 challenge, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya
2. 19 March 2010, Winner of Thomson Reuters ResearcherID, Refer-a-Colleague Competition
3. 10 December 2005: Given recognition as selected researcher (attained second position) at the 2005 Selected Researchers Commemoration Ceremony conducted by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Deputy Directorate for Research, State Scientific Research Center; IRIB, Int’l Conference Center, Tehran, Iran
4. December 2002: Received commendation letter from the Acting Deputy Director for Planning, Development & Technology for making valuable achievements while serving with the Board of Directors of Specialized Association of Industries & Mines; Ministry of Industries & Mines, Tehran , Iran
5. March 2005: Received commendation letter from IDRO Chairman of the Managing Board for sincere services as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Toseé Khodro Car Company during the year 2004; Tehran , Iran
6. December 2002: Given recognition as the Exemplary R&D Unit at the Fourth Research Fair (being the director of the R&D Unit at Mega Motor Company); Tehran, Iran
7. January 2002: Received commendation letter from the Managing Director of Mega Motor Company for sincere services as Research Deputy Director; Mega Motor Company, Tehran ,Iran
8. 1995: Attained the first standing among the graduates of Master’s Degree curriculum in Mechanical Engineering ,Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
9. 1992: Attained the first standing among the graduates of Bachelor’s Degree curriculum in Mechanical Engineering; Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
10. August 1993: Received commendation letter for commissioning of controlled temperature rooms at Rafsanjan Pistachio Research Center – Ministry of Agriculture; Rafsanjan Pistachio Research Center, Iran
11. 28 September 2005: Invited to become a member of the Asia Pacific Natural Gas Vehicles Association
Peer-Review Activities
1. International Journal of Production Research (IJPR) – 2012
2. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (TFSC) – 2012
3. International Journal of Management and Business Studies (IJMBS) – 2012
4. Educational Research and Reviews – 2012
5. Journal of Universal Computing (JUCS) – 2012
6. The African Journal of Business Management (AJBM)- 2010-2012
7. Global Journal of Business, Management and Accounting – 2011
8. The African Journal of Marketing Management (AJMM) – 2011
9. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) – 2011
10. Advanced Science Letters – 2011
11. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology – 2011
12. Scientific Research and Essays – 2009-2012
13. Technological Forecasting & Social Change – 2011
1- A member of project entitled “Computerized Manufacturing Resources Planning Models and Solutions for Multiple End-Items Under Probabilistic Decision Rules (Electrical/Electronic Industry)”, 2008, University of Malaya, Malaysia
2- Paper & Proceedings Committee member of “United Kingdom – Malaysia – Ireland Engineering Science Conference 2011 (UMIES 2011)” , 2011 University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
3- Paper and Proceeding committee member of “11th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2010 (APIEMS 2010)”, 2010, Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
4- Scientific Secretariat of University of Malaya International Students’ Association (UMISA), 2008-2009
5- Member of International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (IACSIT) (Member NO.: 80336546), since December 2009.
6- Member of International Technical and Scientific Association, SOCOLNET. Since November, 2009
Teaching Experiences
1. 2011-2013 “Publication Marketing Tools “Enhancing Research Visibility and Improving Citations””, UKM, UPM, UM, Malaysia
2. 2011-2013 “The Effective Use of Research Tools Box”, UKM, UPM, UM, Malaysia
3. 2010 “Research Tools and Resources”, UM, Malaysia
4. 2009-2013 “How to Conduct an Effective Literature Review”, UPM, UTM, UM, Malaysia
5. 2009-2013 “Research Tools I & II”, UiTM, UKM, UPM, UTM, UM, Malaysia
6. 2010-2013 “Target ISI Journals-HOW TO WRITE/PUBLISH ISI PAPERS”, UiTM, UKM, UPM, UM, Malaysia
7. 2010-2013 “How to increase H-Index”, UTM, UKM, UM, Malaysia
8. 2009 “Managing Research Candidature” University of Malaya, Malaysia
9. 2008 “WITNESS simulation software”, Department of Engineering Design & Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering, UM
10. October 4-8, 2004: Conducted IT Strategy Seminar; Dubai , UAE
11. July 10, 2004: Conducted seminar on “Application of IT in Market Research”; Rahbaran Petrochimie Company, Tehran, Iran
12. May 2004: Performed live radio program on “Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)”; Tehran, Iran
13. March 2004: IT course; National Iranian Steel Company, Tehran, Iran
14. November 2002: Conducted educational seminars on “Research & Development Management and Application of IT therein”; Dubai and Abu Dhabi, UAE
15. May 2003: Conducted educational seminars on “Research & Development Management and Application of IT therein”; Dubai, UAE
16. February 2004: Conducted educational seminars on “Research & Development Management and Application of IT therein”; Dubai, UAE
17. 16 August 2003: Conducted educational seminar on “IT in Industry, Current Challenges, Future Outlooks”; Mashhad, Iran
18. March 2003: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Marketing”; Tehran, Iran
19. February 2003: Conducted educational seminars on “Role of Information Technology in Industrial Development”; Tehran, Iran
20. July 2003: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Research & Development”; Tehran, Iran
21. May 2003: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Research & Development”; Kish, Iran
22. December 2002: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Research & Development”; Isfahan, Iran
23. July 2002: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Research & Development”; Tabriz, Iran
24. June 2002: Conducted educational seminars on “Application of IT in Research & Development”; Shiraz, Iran
25. 1997-1998: Conducted seminars on “ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System”
26. 1992-1993: Taught “Fluids Mechanics” and “Heat Transfer” courses to undergraduate students at university of Lavizan
27. 1992-1994: Co-instructor of “Fluids Mechanics” and “Heat Transfer” courses; Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran
28. Taught different computer courses:
a. 1993-1994: Education Center; University of Tehran
b. 1989-1993: Education Center; University of Tehran, Faculty of Engineering
c. 1991-1992: Tehran Municipality’s Computer Education Center
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)'11 | Universiti Malaya Industrial Engineering - Technology Management |
Master of Science'95 | Faculty of Engineering ,University of Tehran Mechanical Engineering (Energy Conversion) |
Bachelor of Science'92 | Faculty of Engineering , University of Tehran Mechanical Engineering (Fluids & Heat Transfer) |
Nader Ale Ebrahim |
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