Volume 65, 3 December 2012, Pages 614–619
International Congress on Interdisciplinary Business and Social Sciences 2012 (ICIBSoS 2012)
Adoption of Supply Chain Management in SMEs ☆
- Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Malaysia
There has been a massive surge of interest in supply chain management (SCM) due to its innovation approach to business and competitive advantage. Large companies are well recognized the benefits of SCM, but small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are lagging behind in appreciating how integrated supply chain drives remarkable changes in business processes and work with positive results in better quality services, cost reduction and efficiency. Specifically, SMEs in Malaysia have insufficient knowledge on SCM and they underestimate the potential benefits of SCM. As SMEs is important growth engines in Malaysia, therefore, a great potential can be discovered to develop Malaysian SMEs through SCM. As such, this article includes a discussion of the applicability of SCM to SMEs by highlighting the needs and challenges of SMEs. The paper concludes that implementation of SCM could deliver a number of potential benefits to SMEs.
- Supply Chain Management;
- Small and Medium Enterprises;
- alaysia
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