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Thursday, 16 July 2015

IAMOT 2015 - Author Index

Author Index

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

Author  Title 
Paper Number

Aderemi, Helen

Technology Paradigm for e-Waste Management in South-Eastern Nigeria

Towards Use of Biodegradable Materials as Electro-Components

Adeyeri, Michael Kanisuru

Algorithm for Development of Early Warning System for Productivity Performance Measurement

Agostini, Alessandro

The Business Model Innovation Map: A Framework for Analysing Business Model Innovation

Agwa-Ejon, John

Financial Challenges Faced by SMMEs in Gauteng South Africa

Alcantar, Julio

Top Management Capabilities for SME's Market Entry Decisions

Almeida, Luis Fernando

A Proposal of a Game for Education and Environmental Consciousness

Almeida, Maria Fatima

Designing a Technology Innovation Platform for Oncological Drugs: An Integrated Foresight Framework

Alvarez, José

Technological and Absorption Capacity in a Solar Energy Cluster

Alves, André Cherubini

Management Capability and Innovation: What is the Relationship?

Alves, Suzana Jaíze

Socioeconomic Development Through ICT Use in Brazilian Enterprises: An Analysis of Labor Force Contribution

Amadi-Echendu, Joe

Assessment of Innovation-Activities of SMEs in Niger-Delta Nigeria

Technology Paradigm for e-Waste Management in South-Eastern Nigeria

Towards Use of Biodegradable Materials as Electro-Components

A Desktop Study of Trends in Computing and Associated Business Models

Open Innovation for Automobile Component Manufacturing SMEs in Nigeria

Amojee, Daoud

The Influence of Supply Chain Sources of Technology and
Knowledge on Innovation in Developing Country Automotive Component

Amshoff, Benjamin

How to Use Business Model Patterns for Exploiting Disruptive Technologies

Andreis, Diogo Batista 

A Model for Manufacturing Systems Definition at Early Stages of Design Process

Aoussat, Améziane

The Eco-Innovation Concepts Through a Strategic Perspective

Araújo, Claudia

Managing Transplantation Processes Through Lean Principles

Motivating Factors in Hospital Environmental Management Programs

Argüello, Laura Vanessa Palacios

Restructuration of Logistic Networks: An Industrail Case Study in Colombia

Arnold, Christian

Technology Identification in Relation to Embedded Systems

Baccarella, Christian

Technology Identification in Relation to Embedded Systems

Bagno, Raoni Barros

The Emergence of Innovation Function in Brazilian Companies

Balmer, Marlett

Enhancing Decision-Making Capacity to Support the Implementation of Emerging Energy Technologies

Barbieux, Denise

Disclosing the Development Capabilities of the Firm

Barbon Jr, Sylvio

Building Relationship Quality in Electronic Commerce

Barnard, Helena

Indirect Social Capital and Open Innovation

Barros, António Chivanga

Study of Molar Ratio in Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil

Batchuluun, Amrita

Triple Helix of Management of Technology Education (MOTE): And Empirical Study of a Semiconductor Design Training

Beltrão, Paulo André De Camargo

Internal Conic Surface Grinding Process Analysis in EURO5 Diesel Nozzles

Beltrão, Victor

Internal Conic Surface Grinding Process Analysis in EURO5 Diesel Nozzles

Benade, Siebert 

Aligning Force Planning and Systems Acquisition

Bennett, David

Operations Strategy for maintaining competitiveness in a European automotive company

Bester, Nigel

Renegotiating the Role of Public Health R&D

Bigabwa, Ganza

Knowledge Transfer in Project-Based Organisations: A Meta-Analysis of the Current Issues

Bilha, Vitor Meira

Internal Conic Surface Grinding Process Analysis in EURO5 Diesel Nozzles

Binda, Nompumelelo

Supplier Selection Process at a South African Clothing Company

Blignaut, Francois

Delivering Business Value Through the Implementation of Enterprise Mobility – The Case of Eskom

Boly, Vincent

How to adapt the innovation process to the context and objectives of the project

Bouwer, Louis 

Capabilities-Driven Innovation ManagementTM: Conceptual Framework to Manage the Innovation Ecosystem

Bräkling, André

Configuration Model for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence

Brasil, Vinicius Chagas

Valuation of Innovation Projects with High Uncertainty: Reasons Behind the Implementation of Real Options

Brent, Alan

Modelling the Production of Biofuel Within the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Agriculture Sector Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Infrastructure Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Water Resource Implications of a Green Economy Transition in
the Western Cape Province of South Africa: Modelling Approach Review

Commercial Fishing and Aquaculture Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape

Bronzeri, Marcia de Souza

Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Brazilian Health Innovation Systems

Butcher, Craig

Technology Selection Framework for Port Development Projects

Caetano, Mauro

The Use of TRM as a Guiding Tool for the Planning Innovation
in the Development of Eco-Efficient Fuels for Air Transport

Camargo, Mauricio

How to adapt the innovation process to the context and objectives of the project

Cagliano, Raffaella

Innovation in Consulting Firms: What are the Foundations?

Camboim, Guilherme Freitas

Disclosing the Development Capabilities of the Firm

Cancino, Christian

Management of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Growth: An Ontology Meta-Analysis

Canuto, Kleber

Categories and Characteristics of Professional Profiles of the Future to the ICT Sector of Parana State in Brazil

Cariola, Monica

A Case of Sustainable Innovation Applied to Textile Industry

Cavalheiro, Gabriel

The Impact of Public Policies for Innovation in the Increasing Number of Patents - Brazil and China

Chan, Kai-Ying

The Impact of Intra-Organisational Networks on Learning and Performance at Individual and Team Level

The Effect of MTM and the TAM on Innovation Diffusion: A Case in the Construction Industry

Knowledge Transfer in Project-Based Organisations: A Meta-Analysis of the Current Issues

Chen, James 

Triple Helix of Management of Technology Education (MOTE): And Empirical Study of a Semiconductor Design Training

Cheng, Ling

The Empirical Study of the Impact of R&D Human Resource Investment on Innovation Performance

The Analysis of Innovation Efficiency of Enterprises in Hubei Province Based on DEA Method

Cherobim, Ana Paula Mussi Szabo

Categories and Characteristics of Professional Profiles of the Future to the ICT Sector of Parana State in Brazil

Chiromo, Forbes

Lean Manufacturing Challenges in a South African Clothing Company

Supplier Selection Process at a South African Clothing Company

Claire, Johan

How to adapt the innovation process to the context and objectives of the project

Correa, Cristian Hans

Method for Decision Making in the Management of Innovation: Criteria for the Evaluation of Ideas

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

A Systematic Literature Review on Firm Level Innovation Management Systems

Correia, Maria Joana Neiva

Study of Molar Ratio in Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil

Cortimiglia, Marcelo Nogueira

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

A Systematic Literature Review on Firm Level Innovation Management Systems

Coulibaly, Amadou

Complex Product Families Maintainability Assessment at Design Stage

Cunha, Sieglinde

Sectorial Innovation System of the Electronics Sector in Brazil

Sectorial Innovation System: Publishing Industry in Brazil

Cziulik, Carlos

A Model for Manufacturing Systems Definition at Early Stages of Design Process

Da Cunha, Seglinde Kindl

Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Brazilian Health Innovation Systems

Danilevicz, Ângela De Moura Ferreira

Method for Decision Making in the Management of Innovation: Criteria for the Evaluation of Ideas

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

A Systematic Literature Review on Firm Level Innovation Management Systems

Danilovi, Mike

Exploring the Dynamics of the Wind Energy Industry

Dawood, Gibran

The Effect of MTM and the TAM on Innovation Diffusion: A Case in the Construction Industry

de Almeida, Maria Fatima

Technology, Innovation and Management for Sustainable Growth: A Flexible Toolkit for Strategic Technology Management

de Beuvron, François De Bertrand

Complex Product Families Maintainability Assessment at Design Stage

de Bruyn, Erika

What Should the Perfect Online Assessment System Look Like?

de Carvalho, Hélio Gomes

The Correlation of Organisational Practices for the Creation of Ideas in Suggestion Programmes

de Melo, Maria Angela

Technology, Innovation and Management for Sustainable Growth: A Flexible Toolkit for Strategic Technology Management

De Moraes, Carlos Augusto

Designing a Technology Innovation Platform for Oncological Drugs: An Integrated Foresight Framework

De Moraes, Marcela Barbosa

Scientific Production Analysis of Resilient Enterprises

de Oliveira, Daniel Thomé

A Systematic Literature Review on Firm Level Innovation Management Systems

de Oliveira, Querido

Scientific Production Analysis of Resilient Enterprises

Delcourt, Charlotte Isabelle Maxime

A Systematic Literature Review on Firm Level Innovation Management Systems

Deradjat, Dominik

Implementation of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Mass Customisation

Dergint, Dario

The Correlation of Organisational Practices for the Creation of Ideas in Suggestion Programmes

Diagne, Serigne

Complex Product Families Maintainability Assessment at Design Stage

Dias, Ana Valeria Carneiro

The Emergence of Innovation Function in Brazilian Companies

Dieme, Bouba

A Desktop Study of Trends in Computing and Associated Business Models

Dos Reis, Dalcio Roberto

The Correlation of Organisational Practices for the Creation of Ideas in Suggestion Programmes

Sectorial Innovation System of the Electronics Sector in Brazil

Sectorial Innovation System: Publishing Industry in Brazil

Drescher, Toni

Configuration Model for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence

Duminy, Lize

Commercial Fishing and Aquaculture Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape

Dupont, Laurent

When Innovation Supported by Fab Labs Becomes a Tool for the
Territorial Economic Development: Example of the First Mobile Fab Lab in

Eberling, Christian

Conception of a Knowledge Management System for Technologies

Echterfeld, Julian

How to Use Business Model Patterns for Exploiting Disruptive Technologies

Egbetokun, Abiodun

Developing Country Industrialisation Programme: Inferences From State-Owned Industrial Estate

Ejim-Eze, Emmanuel

Open Innovation for Automobile Component Manufacturing SMEs in Nigeria

El-Nawawy, Mohamed

A Study of Adopting Big Data to Cloud Computing

Emwanu, Bruno

Risk Management in Manufacturing SMEs in South Africa

Enevoldsen, Peter

Towards a Framework for Evaluation of Renewable Energy
Storage Projects: A study Case of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Denmark

Engelmann, Wilson

The "Compliance Programs" as an Alternative to Business
Management to Deal With the Right To Consumer Information and with the
Risks Brought by Nanotechnology

Erasmus, Jonnro

An Integrated Process Framework for Engineering Endeavours

Towards Unification of the Product and Enterprise System Descriptions

Erasmus, Louwrence

An Evaluation of eHealth Systems Implementation Frameworks
for Sustainability in Resource Constrained Environments: A Literature

Electronic Medical Records System User Acceptance

Towards Unification of the Product and Enterprise System Descriptions

Eriksson, Joakim

Role Conflicts in R&D Units Undergoing PSS Transition

Fanta, Getnet Bogale

An Evaluation of eHealth Systems Implementation Frameworks
for Sustainability in Resource Constrained Environments: A Literature

Feller, Nina

The Influence of Team Characteristics on Organizational Routines in the Technology Identification and Evaluation

Fernandez-Ledesma, Javier 

Proposed Methodology for Measuring Innovation Capabilities in a Number of Companies Agrobusiness

Figueiredo, Kleber

Managing Transplantation Processes Through Lean Principles

Florén, Henrik

The Business Model Innovation Map: A Framework for Analysing Business Model Innovation

Forn, Esteban Bermudez

Bottlenecks and Drivers in Ethiopia's Domestic Biogas Sector

Forterre, Damien

Innovation In Emerging Markets: Brazilian Productive Sectors Practicing Reverse Innovation?

Frishammar, Johan

The Role of Individuals for Absorptive Capacity in Industrial R&D

Fritz, Morgane

Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Publications in Brazil

Gabriel, Kátia

Study of Molar Ratio in Biodiesel Production from Palm Oil

Galvez, Daniel

How to adapt the innovation process to the context and objectives of the project

Gausemeier, Jürgen

Conception of a Knowledge Management System for Technologies

Balancing the Strategic Product Portfolio Based on Market and Competence Needs

How to Use Business Model Patterns for Exploiting Disruptive Technologies

Ghoochkanloo, Saeedeh

FDI, Efficient Technology Transfer Strategy in Developing Countries (Iran Case Study)

Giostri, Elsa

Practices of Knowledge Management: Analysis in Companies Located in Brazil

Golhosseini, Somayeh

The Conceptual Role of Cyber Systems in Virtual R&D

Gomes, Flavio

Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Gomes, Leonardo Augusto De Vasconcelos

Valuation of Innovation Projects with High Uncertainty: Reasons Behind the Implementation of Real Options

Goncalves, Ada

The Impact of Public Policies for Innovation in the Increasing Number of Patents - Brazil and China

Goronga, Andrew

Understanding the Inventory Iceberg: Benchmarking a Steel Manufacturer

Graeml, Alexandre Reis

Analysis of the Technical-Scientific Production of Scholars
Grants CNPQ on Production Engineering in Brazil: An Assessment of the
Years 2007-2009

Grasser, Dominik

Management Control Systems in Post-Incubation of High
Technology Start-ups: Determination of Relevance and Design of a Future

Grobbelaar, Sara

Risk-Based Maintenance of Physical Assets of Water Infrastructure: A Case Study of a Municipality

Measuring and Reporting Benefits of Strategic Sourcing of Technology: A Case Study

Guo, Daojing

Framework for Developing a Context Based Technology Planning
Approach for Managing Discontinuous Technological Change

Gussen, Clarissa

Managing Transplantation Processes Through Lean Principles

Gutierrez, Kevin Javier Guevara

Restructuration of Logistic Networks: An Industrail Case Study in Colombia

Halila, Fawzi

Exploring the Dynamics of the Wind Energy Industry

Han, Sung-Goo

Innovation Policy Analysis for the Bioeconomy

Hanna, Frederico 

The Oil and Gas Innovation System in Brazil: Characterization and Evaluation

Harahap, Boma

Barriers and Strategies for Innovations Entering BOP Markets

Hartmann, Dieter

Who Runs This Place? An Analysis of the Leadership of Public Hospitals in South Africa

Hatakeyama, Kazuo

Practices of Knowledge Management: Analysis in Companies Located in Brazil

Technological and Absorption Capacity in a Solar Energy Cluster

Competence for Product Development Management in Clothing Firms

Hattingh, Teresa

Creating the Right Expectations: Department of Human Settlements

Understanding the Inventory Iceberg: Benchmarking a Steel Manufacturer

Hidalgo, Antonio

Innovation in Consulting Firms: What are the Foundations?

Hobololo, Vuyisile

Intellectual Property co-ownership and commercialization in public-private partnerships in South Africa

Hoffmann, David

Technology Identification in Relation to Embedded Systems

Holland, Mike

Impact of Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly
Financed Research and Development on Research Alliance Government Mode

Hörlesberger, Marianne

Foresight for the Enabling Technologies Materials

Horta, Alberto

A Proposal of a Game for Education and Environmental Consciousness

Hoveskog, Maya

Exploring the Dynamics of the Wind Energy Industry

Hribernik, Bruno

Foresight for the Enabling Technologies Materials

Ibrahim, Asmaa

A Study of Adopting Big Data to Cloud Computing

Iqbal, Javid

Strategic Planning for E-Learning Implementation in Higher Education Sector

Iwami, Shino

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Jabalbarezisarbijan, Asghar

The Conceptual Role of Cyber Systems in Virtual R&D

Jaimes, Adarme Wilson

Restructuration of Logistic Networks: An Industrial Case Study in Colombia

Javier Manuel Godenzi Ortiz

Shared Innovation System Between Industry, University and Government

Jiang, Dongdong

Critical Factors for Sustainable Project Management in Public Projects

Johannesson, Hans

Accommodating Emerging Technologies in Existing Product Platforms

Assessing System Maturity of Interacting Product and Manufacturing Alternatives Before Early Technology Commitment

Jongihati, Babalwa 

Renegotiating the Role of Public Health R&D

Jonker, Willem

Modelling the Production of Biofuel Within the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Joubert, Francois 

Simulating Risks in a Capital Project Portfolio

Jura, Dudley

The Evolution of Quality Management Systems to Assist Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Incubation Clusters

Kachba, Yslene Rocha

Competence for Product Development Management in Clothing Firms

Kajikawa, Yuya

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Kamp, Linda Manon

Barriers and Strategies for Innovations Entering BOP Markets

Bottlenecks and Drivers in Ethiopia's Domestic Biogas Sector

Karni, Reuven 

Assessing the Functional Alignment of a Business Process

Kerschenbauer, Jochen

Management Control Systems in Post-Incubation of High
Technology Start-ups: Determination of Relevance and Design of a Future

Khalil, Tarek

A Model of Research and Entrepreneurial University for Developing Nations: The Case of Nile University

Khan, Kifayat Ullah

Strategic Planning for E-Learning Implementation in Higher Education Sector

Kiel, Daniel

Technology Identification in Relation to Embedded Systems

Kim, Sang-Gook

Strategic Implications of Technology Life Cycle on Technology Commercialization

Koch, Christian

Operations Strategy for maintaining competitiveness in a European automotive company

Kogo, Kyoko

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Kong, Pengju

The Relationship Among Control, Supply Chain Collaboration and Business Performance

Kovaleski, João Luiz

Analysis of the Technical-Scientific Production of Scholars
Grants CNPQ on Production Engineering in Brazil: An Assessment of the
Years 2007-2009

Krause, Willie

A Framework Towards An Open Innovation Approach For SMEs

Kriszt, Brigitte

Foresight for the Enabling Technologies Materials

Kruger, Jan

Motivating Factors in Hospital Environmental Management Programs

Kuroda, Tatsuya Identifying the Structure of Research Fields on Venture

La Paz, Ariel

Management of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Growth: An Ontology Meta-Analysis

Landahl, Jonas

Assessing System Maturity of Interacting Product and Manufacturing Alternatives Before Early Technology Commitment

Laseinde, Opeyeolu

Postal Industry: Review and Reengineering Framework for Sustainable Growth

Lee, Sheng-Lung

Triple Helix of Management of Technology Education (MOTE): And Empirical Study of a Semiconductor Design Training

Leite, Luiz Fernando

Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Lessons Learned About Technology Monitoring in the Solar Photovoltaic Energy Segment

Lemus-Aguilar, Isaac

Innovation in Consulting Firms: What are the Foundations?

Lenka, Sambit

Role Conflicts in R&D Units Undergoing PSS Transition

Leonard, Awie

A Conceptual Framework Explaining Progressive Trust Formation Within South African Fresh Produce Markets

ICT Adoption in SMEs for the Alleviation of Poverty

Letaba, Petrus

Technology Roadmapping and Roadmaps in a Context of Developing Countries: A Conceptual Framework

Levandowski, Christoffer

Accommodating Emerging Technologies in Existing Product Platforms

Lhoste, Pascal

When Innovation Supported by Fab Labs
Becomes a Tool for the Territorial Economic Development: Example of the
First Mobile Fab Lab in France.

Li, Changhua

Project Management Innovation Based on Building Information Modelling

Li, Miao

The Relationship Among Control, Supply Chain Collaboration and Business Performance

Li, Shun-Cai

The Empirical Study of Relationship Factors and Cooperative
R&D Performance-Based on the Perspective of Cooperation Experience
and Data in China

The Empirical Study of R&D Input- Output
Level in Different Industries — Based on the Data from Evaluation of
the Enterprise Technology Center

The Empirical Study of the Impact of R&D Human Resource Investment on Innovation Performance

The Analysis of Innovation Efficiency of Enterprises in Hubei Province Based on DEA Method

Liu, Feng-Zhu

The Empirical Study of Relationship Factors and Cooperative
R&D Performance-Based on the Perspective of Cooperation Experience
and Data in China

The Empirical Study of R&D Input- Output Level in
Different Industries —Based on the Data from Evaluation of the
Enterprise Technology Center

The Analysis of Innovation Efficiency of Enterprises in Hubei Province Based on DEA Method

Lihua, Liu Jasmine

Exploring the Dynamics of the Wind Energy Industry

Livramento, Tatiana

Scientific Production Analysis of Resilient Enterprises

Lobo Cortopassi Goron, Rodrigo

Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Brazilian Health Innovation Systems

Sectorial Innovation System: Publishing Industry in Brazil

Lombard, Maggie

Indirect Social Capital and Open Innovation

Lopes, Daniel Paulino Teixeira

The Historical-Critical Pedagogy in Business Administration

Lopes, José Eduardo Ferreira

Proposing a Model for Measuring the Perceived Value for B2B Logistics Environment

Mabizela, Siyabonga Thami

Continuous Process Improvement Applied to an Engineering Education System

Madzhie, Fulufhelo

Algorithm for Development of Early Warning System for Productivity Performance Measurement

Magalhães, Anderson Cruvinel

The Historical-Critical Pedagogy in Business Administration

Majodina, Mark

Influence of climate variability on South African electricity production

Malan, Cillie

Decision Support Framework for Infrastructure Strategies

Malele, Vusumuzi

Bridging the Innovation Chasm: Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Patent

Malik, Pravir

A Mathematical Basis for Innovation

Marangi, Fatemeh

The Conceptual Role of Cyber Systems in Virtual R&D

Markussen, Thomas

Operations Strategy for maintaining competitiveness in a European automotive company

Marnewick, Annlize

An Optimised Portfolio Management Model, Incorporating Best Practices

Marowa, Yvonie

Analyzing Adoption of Maintenance Strategies in Manufacturing Companies

Risk Assessment in Infrastructural Projects

Martins, Paula

Science Spin-Offs in the Context of Brazilian Academic Entrepreneurship

Masseran, Viviane

Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Mauda, Rofhiwa

Who Runs This Place? An Analysis of the Leadership of Public Hospitals in South Africa

Mbatha, Lindani

Measuring and Reporting Benefits of Strategic Sourcing of Technology: A Case Study

Mbohwa, Charles

Financial Challenges Faced by SMMEs in Gauteng South Africa

Mbuyisa, Busi

ICT Adoption in SMEs for the Alleviation of Poverty

Mendes, Flavia Maria Lins

Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Lessons Learned About Technology Monitoring in the Solar Photovoltaic Energy Segment

Mesquita, Luiza

Socioeconomic Development Through ICT Use in Brazilian Enterprises: An Analysis of Labor Force Contribution

Mgozi, Thembayena

Cloud Computing Impact on Healthcare in South Africa

Milano, Manoelle

Practices of Knowledge Management: Analysis in Companies Located in Brazil

Minshall, Tim

Implementation of Additive Manufacturing Technologies for Mass Customisation

Miya, Lungisani

Risk-Based Maintenance of Physical Assets of Water Infrastructure: A Case Study of a Municipality

Moiso, Valentina

A Case of Sustainable Innovation Applied to Textile Industry

Monteiro, Diego

A Proposal of a Game for Education and Environmental Consciousness

Monteiro, Rita De Cassia

A Proposal of a Game for Education and Environmental Consciousness

Moolla, Sumaiyah

Creating the Right Expectations: Department of Human Settlements

Morel, Laure

When Innovation Supported by Fab Labs
Becomes a Tool for the Territorial Economic Development: Example of the
First Mobile Fab Lab in France.

Mori, Junichiro

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Moriguchi, Stella Naomi

Proposing a Model for Measuring the Perceived Value for B2B Logistics Environment

Building Relationship Quality in Electronic Commerce

Mostert, El-Marie

What Should the Perfect Online Assessment System Look Like?

Moyo, Dudu

The Impact of Intra-Organisational Networks on Learning and Performance at Individual and Team Level

Mpofu, Khumbulani

Bridging the Innovation Chasm: Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Patent

Algorithm for Development of Early Warning System for Productivity Performance Measurement

Postal Industry: Review and Reengineering Framework for Sustainable Growth

Sustainable Management Strategies in Mining Industries: Introduction of Reconfigurable and Adaptable Technologies

Muchie, Mammo

Bridging the Innovation Chasm: Students’ Understanding of the Concept of Patent

Mühlburger, Herbert

Management Control Systems in Post-Incubation of High
Technology Start-ups: Determination of Relevance and Design of a Future

Murakami, Luiz Carlos

Building Relationship Quality in Electronic Commerce

Musango, Josephine

Modelling the Production of Biofuel Within the Western Cape Province, South Africa

Agriculture Sector Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Infrastructure Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Water Resource Implications of a Green Economy Transition in
the Western Cape Province of South Africa: Modelling Approach Review

Commercial Fishing and Aquaculture Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape

Muyengwa, Goodwell

Analyzing Adoption of Maintenance Strategies in Manufacturing Companies

Risk Assessment in Infrastructural Projects

Naidoo, Yogan

An Optimised Portfolio Management Model, Incorporating Best Practices

Naveiro, Ricardo Manfredi

The Eco-Innovation Concepts Through a Strategic Perspective

Ndaba, Antony

The Impact of Short Interval Control & Visual Management Concepts to the Organisation's Operational Performance

Nel, Andre

Lean Manufacturing Challenges in a South African Clothing Company

Supplier Selection Process at a South African Clothing Company

Neto, Cesar Goncalves

The Oil and Gas Innovation System in Brazil: Characterization and Evaluation

Ngwenyama, Ojelanki

Top Management Capabilities for SME's Market Entry Decisions

Njenge, Lusanda

Total Quality Management Adoption by Process Engineering Design Firms in South Africa

Nunes, Breno

Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Publications in Brazil

Ogano, Noah

Managing Project Risks in the Electricity Industry in Africa

Okogun, Oluwanishola Abiodun

Developing Country Industrialisation Programme: Inferences From State-Owned Industrial Estate

Okorhi, Johnson

Technology Paradigm for e-Waste Management in South-Eastern Nigeria

Towards Use of Biodegradable Materials as Electro-Components

Assessment of Innovation-Activities of SMEs in Niger-Delta Nigeria

Olasumbo, Makinde

Sustainable Management Strategies in Mining Industries: Introduction of Reconfigurable and Adaptable Technologies

Ologeh, Idowu Oluropo

Developing Country Industrialisation Programme: Inferences From State-Owned Industrial Estate

Oosthuizen, Gert Adriaan

Continuous Process Improvement Applied to an Engineering Education System

The Evolution of Quality Management Systems to Assist Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Incubation Clusters

Oosthuizen, Rudolph

Modelling the Impact of Technology on Anti Poaching Command and Control Systems

Ortt, Roland

Barriers and Strategies for Innovations Entering BOP Markets

Ostergaard, Klaus

Validity of Business Strategy as Driver in Technology Management – A Critical Discussion

Otejere, Joseph

Technology Paradigm for e-Waste Management in South-Eastern Nigeria

Assessment of Innovation-Activities of SMEs in Niger-Delta Nigeria

Padula, Antônio Domingos

Disclosing the Development Capabilities of the Firm

Pagliarino, Elena

Innovative Logistics and Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Food Public Procurement

A Case of Sustainable Innovation Applied to Textile Industry

Papachristos, George

Platform Competition: A Retroductive System Dynamics Modelling Approach

Parida, Vinit

Role Conflicts in R&D Units Undergoing PSS Transition

Park, Hyun Woo

Strategic Implications of Technology Life Cycle on Technology Commercialization

Parreiras, Viviane Masseran Antunes
Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Paswan, Rajiv

Automobile Innovation Technology in Emerging Nations With a Special Reference to India and South Africa

Pataci, Hilal

Exploring the Dynamics of the Wind Energy Industry

Pedroso, Bruno

Analysis of the Technical-Scientific Production of Scholars
Grants CNPQ on Production Engineering in Brazil: An Assessment of the
Years 2007-2009

Picinin, Claudia Tania

Labor In Post-Industrial Society: A Reading of Drucker and De Masi Theories

Analysis of the Technical-Scientific Production of Scholars
Grants CNPQ on Production Engineering in Brazil: An Assessment of the
Years 2007-2009

The Correlation of Organisational Practices for the Creation of Ideas in Suggestion Programmes
Internal Conic Surface Grinding Process Analysis in EURO5 Diesel Nozzles

Pienaar, Aliza

Water Resource Implications of a Green Economy Transition in
the Western Cape Province of South Africa: Modelling Approach Review

Pietrovski, Eliane

Sectorial Innovation System of the Electronics Sector in Brazil

Pilatti, Luiz Alberto

Analysis of the Technical-Scientific Production of Scholars
Grants CNPQ on Production Engineering in Brazil: An Assessment of the
Years 2007-2009

Pintaúde, Giuseppe

Internal Conic Surface Grinding Process Analysis in EURO5 Diesel Nozzles

Placzek, Markus

Conception of a Knowledge Management System for Technologies

Platzek, Bernd

Corporate Entrepreneurship Education: Individual and Organizational Entrepreneurial Learning

Plonski, Guilherme

Science Spin-Offs in the Context of Brazilian Academic Entrepreneurship

Pretorius, Gaby

What Should the Perfect Online Assessment System Look Like?

Pretorius, Jan-Harm

Total Quality Management Adoption by Process Engineering Design Firms in South Africa

An Integrated Process Framework for Engineering Endeavours

Continuous Process Improvement Applied to an Engineering Education System

The Evolution of Quality Management Systems to Assist Manufacturing Entrepreneurs in Incubation Clusters

Towards Unification of the Product and Enterprise System Descriptions

An Optimised Portfolio Management Model, Incorporating Best Practices

Pretorius, Leon

Aspects of Risks in Petro-Chemical Construction Projects

Modelling the Impact of Technology on Anti Poaching Command and Control Systems

Simulating Risks in a Capital Project Portfolio

Technology Roadmapping and Roadmaps in a Context of Developing Countries: A Conceptual Framework

Managing Project Risks in the Electricity Industry in Africa

Decision Support Framework for Infrastructure Strategies

Corporate Entrepreneurship Education: Individual and Organizational Entrepreneurial Learning

A Mathematical Basis for Innovation

Project Management Innovation Based on Building Information Modelling

An Evaluation of eHealth Systems Implementation Frameworks
for Sustainability in Resource Constrained Environments: A Literature

Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing and Its Adoption

Impact of Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly
Financed Research and Development on Research Alliance Government Mode

Pretorius, Mathys Andries

Cooperative Venture Capital Model: Engineering an Innovation Pipeline

Pretorius, Tinus

Technology Roadmapping and Roadmaps in a Context of Developing Countries: A Conceptual Framework

Measuring the Level of Technological Innovation

Effective Strategy Execution to Realise Shareholder Value: A Proposed Framework for Management

Impact of Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly
Financed Research and Development on Research Alliance Government Mode

Pretto, Carlos Oliva

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

Proni, Marcelo Weishaupt

Labor In Post-Industrial Society: A Reading of Drucker and De Masi Theories

Pufal, Nathália

Management Capability and Innovation: What is the Relationship?

Ramaprasad, Arkalgud

Management of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Growth: An Ontology Meta-Analysis

Ramashala, Palesa

Effective Strategy Execution to Realise Shareholder Value: A Proposed Framework for Management

Ramatsetse, Boitumelo

Sustainable Management Strategies in Mining Industries: Introduction of Reconfigurable and Adaptable Technologies

Ramirez, Julian Pineres

The learning dynamics of external–internal knowledge and
exploitation–exploration: The case of SMEs’ learning-capacity building

Ramirez, Sebastian

Proposed Methodology for Measuring Innovation Capabilities in a Number of Companies Agrobusiness

Range, Justy

A Conceptual Framework Explaining Progressive Trust Formation Within South African Fresh Produce Markets

Rasoto, Vanessa Ishikawa Sectorial Innovation System of the Electronics Sector in Brazil

Raudberget, Dag

Accommodating Emerging Technologies in Existing Product Platforms

Assessing System Maturity of Interacting Product and Manufacturing Alternatives Before Early Technology Commitment

Rawat, Anil

SI 2 - Trajectory of Change: Adapting India’s National
Innovation System for Sustainable Development & Inclusive Growth

Reichert, Fernanda Maciel

Innovative Performance and Capabilities of Interacting Firms

Management Capability and Innovation: What is the Relationship?

Ribeiro, José Luis Duarte

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

Rodrigues, Marilsa

Scientific Production Analysis of Resilient Enterprises

Rönnberg Sjödin, David

The Role of Individuals for Absorptive Capacity in Industrial R&D

Rübbelke, Rene

Balancing the Strategic Product Portfolio Based on Market and Competence Needs

Ruffoni, Janaina

Innovative Performance and Capabilities of Interacting Firms

Sakata, Ichiro

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Identifying the Structure of Research Fields on Venture

Salerno, Mario Sergio

Valuation of Innovation Projects with High Uncertainty: Reasons Behind the Implementation of Real Options

The Emergence of Innovation Function in Brazilian Companies

Schaeffer, Paola Rücker

Innovative Performance and Capabilities of Interacting Firms

Schuh, Günther

Framework for Developing a Context Based Technology Planning
Approach for Managing Discontinuous Technological Change

Configuration Model for Focused Crawlers in Technology Intelligence

Schumacher, Suzanne De Oliveira Rodrigues

Lessons Learned About Technology Monitoring in the Solar Photovoltaic Energy Segment

Schutte, Corne

A Framework Towards An Open Innovation Approach For SMEs

An Integrated Perspective On Sources of E-Value

Cooperative Venture Capital Model: Engineering An Innovation Pipeline

Technology Selection Framework for Port Development Projects

Sebele, Tumelo

Lean Manufacturing Challenges in a South African Clothing Company

Sheu, Gene

Triple Helix of Management of Technology Education (MOTE): And Empirical Study of a Semiconductor Design Training

Shigaki, Helena Belintani

The Historical-Critical Pedagogy in Business Administration

Shirasaka, Seiko

Solving Agricultural Challenges in Japan Through Scenario-Based Amorphous Design Approa

Silva, Minelle

Sustainability and Supply Chain Management: Publications in Brazil

Simsek, Kübra

Challenges in Open Innovation for IT Companies in Technology Development Zones

Sinha, Kunal

Automobile Innovation Technology in Emerging Nations With a Special Reference to India and South Africa

Sjödin, David Rönnberg

Role Conflicts in R&D Units Undergoing PSS Transition

The Role of Individuals for Absorptive Capacity in Industrial R&D

Smit, Daniel

Measuring the Level of Technological Innovation

Soares, Juliano Lima

Sectorial Innovation System: Publishing Industry in Brazil

Sobanke, Victor Oluwasina

Developing Country Industrialisation Programme: Inferences From State-Owned Industrial Estate

Söllner, Christoph

Balancing the Strategic Product Portfolio Based on Market and Competence Needs

Sousa-E-Silva, Clarice Mara

Proposing a Model for Measuring the Perceived Value for B2B Logistics Environment

Stainsack, Cristiane

Innovation In Emerging Markets: Brazilian Productive Sectors Practicing Reverse Innovation?

Stankowitz, Rosângela De Fátima

The Correlation of Organisational Practices for the Creation of Ideas in Suggestion Programmes

Labor In Post-Industrial Society: A Reading of Drucker and De Masi Theories

Staphorst, Leon

Impact of Intellectual Property Rights from Publicly
Financed Research and Development on Research Alliance Government Mode

Steenhuis, Harm-Jan

Additive Manufacturing or 3D Printing and Its Adoption

Steyn, Herman

Effective Strategy Execution to Realise Shareholder Value: A Proposed Framework for Management

Corporate Strategy and Projects - Mind the Gap

Steyn, Jasper

The Influence of Supply Chain Sources of Technology and
Knowledge on Innovation in Developing Country Automotive Component

Stig, Daniel Corin

Accommodating Emerging Technologies in Existing Product Platforms

Sun, Guodong

Influence of Government Supports on Technology Innovation Process: The Case of Li-Ion Battery in the United States

Sung, Tae-Eung

Strategic Implications of Technology Life Cycle on Technology Commercialization

Sunjka, Bernadette

Risk Management in Manufacturing SMEs in South Africa

Surie, Gita

Creating a Renewable Energy Ecosystem: Evidence from India

Swart, Gerhard

Lessons Learned from the Joule EV Development

Syn, Thant

Management of Technological Innovations for Sustainable Growth: An Ontology Meta-Analysis

Tacoa, Francisco

Cross-Disciplinary Methodology for Detection of Collaborative and Competitive Candidates

Tambo, Torben

Validity of Business Strategy as Driver in Technology Management – A Critical Discussion

Towards a Framework for Evaluation of Renewable Energy
Storage Projects: A study Case of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells in Denmark

Tan, Pan Pan

The Empirical Study of Relationship Factors and Cooperative
R&D Performance-Based on the Perspective of Cooperation Experience
and Data in China

Tell, Joakim

Organising Principles of Learning Networks in HEI-based Management Training

Thaba, James

Aligning Force Planning and Systems Acquisition

Thopil, George

Delivering Business Value Through the Implementation of Enterprise Mobility – The Case of Eskom

Tonet, Ernandes

Pharmaceutical Industry Development in Brazilian Health Innovation Systems

Traguetto, Jéssica

The Use of TRM as a Guiding Tool for the Planning Innovation
in the Development of Eco-Efficient Fuels for Air Transport

Ungerer, Gerard

An Integrated Perspective On Sources of E-Value

van de Kaa, Geerten

Platform Competition: A Retroductive System Dynamics Modelling Approach

van der Lingen, Elma

Does Management Education Affect the Entrepreneurial Tendency of Students?

van der Walt, JC

Electronic Medical Records System User Acceptance

van Niekerk, Gerhard

Does Management Education Affect the Entrepreneurial Tendency of Students?

van Niekerk, J.B. Smit

Agriculture Sector Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

van Waveren, Cornelis Cristo

The Impact of Intra-Organisational Networks on Learning and Performance at Individual and Team Level

Knowledge Transfer in Project-Based Organisations: A Meta-Analysis of the Current Issues

van Zyl, Jean-Matt

Aspects of Risks in Petro-Chemical Construction Projects

Vemeulen, Andre

Total Quality Management Adoption by Process Engineering Design Firms in South Africa

Visser, Jacobus Krige

An Investigation of Diagnostic, Prognostic and Structural Health Monitoring Systems in Asset Management

Voigt, Kai-Ingo

Technology Identification in Relation to Embedded Systems

Von Hohendorff, Raquel

The "Compliance Programs" as an Alternative to Business
Management to Deal With the Right To Consumer Information and with the
Risks Brought by Nanotechnology

Walwyn, David

Renegotiating the Role of Public Health R&D

Wang, Nannan

Critical Factors for Sustainable Project Management in Public Projects

Wang, Yanli

Project Management Innovation Based on Building Information Modelling

Wayiti, Silvester

An Investigation of Diagnostic, Prognostic and Structural Health Monitoring Systems in Asset Management

Weeks, Richard

Cloud Computing Impact on Healthcare in South Africa

Service Management in Highly Competitive Contexts of Tumultuous Change 

Werberich, Bruno Rocha

Web-based Information System for Innovation Management in a Brazilian Electrical Company

Wessels, Arie

An Integrated Process Framework for Engineering Endeavours

Wiezel, Jonas

Developing a Technology Readiness Assessment Methodology for an Energy Company

Wincent, Joakim

Role Conflicts in R&D Units Undergoing PSS Transition

Winzker, Dietmar

A Mathematical Basis for Innovation

Wu, Chin-Chia

Critical Factors for Sustainable Project Management in Public Projects

Xavier, Amanda Fernandes

The Eco-Innovation Concepts Through a Strategic Perspective

Yagita, Hiroyuki

Solving Agricultural Challenges in Japan Through Scenario-Based Amorphous Design Approa

Yao, Shengnan

Critical Factors for Sustainable Project Management in Public Projects

Yildirim, Nihan

Challenges in Open Innovation for IT Companies in Technology Development Zones

York, TA

Infrastructure Implications of a Green Economy Transition in the Western Cape Province of South Africa

Yue, Xin

Influence of Government Supports on Technology Innovation Process: The Case of Li-Ion Battery in the United States

Zawislak, Paulo Antônio

Management Capability and Innovation: What is the Relationship?

Innovative Performance and Capabilities of Interacting Firms

Disclosing the Development Capabilities of the Firm

Zhou, Shuiyin

The Relationship Among Control, Supply Chain Collaboration and Business Performance

IAMOT 2015

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