Oliver Gassmann
University of St.Gallen · ITEM HSG
Getting the most out of your IP - patent management along its life cycle
Drug discovery today. 11/2011; (published)
Effectively managing and optimizing the value of the patent portfolio is a major challenge for many firms, especially those in knowledge intensive industries, such as the pharmaceutical,... [more]
Why do transnational approaches to international innovation fail?
Elsevier, Research in International Business and Finance. 01/2009; 23(2):206-222. (published)
The transnational corporation paradigm is increasingly at odds with empirical findings regarding international innovation strategies. Analysing a longitudinal case study, we show that a firm's... [more]
International innovation and strategic initiatives: A research agenda
Elsevier, Research in International Business and Finance. 01/2009; 23(2):193-205. (published)
Despite the argument that leveraging the expertise of foreign subsidiaries to the global firm benefits the whole firm's competitive advantage, in the case of international innovation, such leveraging... [more]
International Journal of Innovation Management. 02/2006; 10(01). (published)
Corporate incubators for technology development are a recent phenomenon whose functioning and implications are not yet well understood. The resource-based view can offer an explanatory model on how... [more]
Corporate Incubators: Industrial R&D and What Universities can Learn from them
The Journal of Technology Transfer. 02/2006; 31(4). (published)
The explosive growth of incubation has seen a concurrent and significant increase in research on and knowledge of the incubation phenomenon. However, instead of comprehensively differentiating... [more]
Market versus technology drive in R&D internationalization: four different patterns of managing research and development
Elsevier, Research Policy. 01/2002; 31(4):569-588. (published)
Australian and New Zealand environmental economists have played a significant role in the development of concepts and their application across three fields within their subdiscipline: non-market... [more]
So managen Sie die Globalisierung von Technologie und Innovation
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72675. (published)
80% sind Rekombinationen aus bestehendem Wissen
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72674. (published)
Die Schweiz im Wettbewerb der Wissensgesellschaft: Was sind die Wirkungen des HFKG?
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72672. (published)
Innovieren oder kreativ imitieren?
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72671. (published)
Die Essenz des modernen ganzheitlichen Managements
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72670. (published)
Open Innovation: Hebelwirkung in einer flachen Welt erzielen
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72669. (published)
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/72666. (published)
Dieses Buch richtet sich an Führungskräfte in den Bereichen Innovation, F&E und Patentmanagement. Wissenschaftlern und Studenten bietet das Buch anwendungsorientierte Impulse zu den Ausprägungen des... [more]
One Valuation fits all? Wie Europas innovativste Unternehmen Technologien und Patente bewerten
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/48670. (published)
Eine vom Institut für Technologiemanagement der Universität St.Gallen und dessen Innovations- und Intellectual Property Management Spin-off BGW im Auftrag von PricewaterhouseCoopers durchgeführte... [more]
One Valuation fits all? How Europe's most innovative companies valuate technologies and patents
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/48664. (published)
Innovations and patents make important contributions towards corporate success. A survey on the top 500 patent applicants of the European Patent Office on behalf of PricewaterhouseCoopers conducted... [more]
Crossing the Industry-Line: Breakthrough Innovation through Cross-Industry Alliances with 'Non-Suppliers'
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/69704. (published)
Past research on alliances has elaborated on the motives, determinants and benefits of cooperative relationships between firms. Notwithstanding their benefits, alliances entail mutual dependence on... [more]
Wir dürfen uns nicht abschotten
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/58803. (published)
Die Globalisierung macht auch vor der F&E nicht Halt. Während andere Funktionen wie Vertrieb, Markeiting, Produktion und Logistik bereits eine lange Internationalisierungsgeschichte haben, wurde die... [more]
Advertising New Products: Exploring the Effects of Information and Product Complexity on Consumers` Responses
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/68576. (published)
Enforcing Intellectual Property Rights in Weak Appropriability Regimes
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/58983. (published)
Many emerging economies are characterised by weak appropriability systems and absent legal systems to punish imitators. This places foreign firms' intellectual property rights at risk, because... [more]
Mit dem Aikido-Prinzip bestehende Geschäftsmodelle aushebeln
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/68452. (published)
Abgeleitet aus dem japanischen Kampfsport Aikido, stellen die Autoren eine Methodik vor, wie das bestehende Geschäftsmodell weiterentwickelt wird. Damit können Innovationen hervorgebracht werden,... [more]
Praxiswissen Projektmanagement
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/53077. (published)
Praxisorientierte Einführung in das Projektmanagement mit den Themen: Grundlagen; Projektorganisation; Planung, Steuerung, Kontrolle; Projektentscheidungen; Führung von Projektteams; Kreativität in... [more]
Negative side effects of customer integration
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/62771. (published)
On the basis of extensive research and empirical studies, the paper illustrates different integration methods, negative side effects of customer integration, and measures to avoid them.
Integrating customers in product innovation: Lessons from industrial development contractors and in-house contractors in rapidly changing customer markets
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/62774. (published)
Successful product innovation has increasingly been recognized as an outcome of integrating customers into the new product development (NPD) process. In this paper, we explore customer integration by... [more]
Negative Side Effects of Customer Integration
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/47989. (published)
Neue Ideenquellen erschliessen - Die Chancen von Open Innovation
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/53137. (published)
Open Innovation ist eine neue Strategie im Innovationsmanagement. Sie zielt darauf ab, externe Wissensquellen stärker zu nutzen.
R&D Reputation and Corporate Brand Value
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/54607. (published)
Innovationsstandort Schweiz
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/57463. (published)
Der Artikel ordnet die Schweiz unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Innovationsleistung anhand ausgewählter Input- und Outputgrössen in einen europäischen Kontext ein. Das Land hat sich durch die Leistungen... [more]
The \"silver market in Europe\": Myth or reality?
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/46872. (published)
The European Union is currently facing many challenges related to the current demographic developments which imply both increasing life expectancy as well as low birth rates. These demographic... [more]
The Cross-Industry Innovation Process – Developing Break-Through Cross-Industry Innovation with Analogical Thinking
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/56308. (published)
In this article we investigate the approach of analogical thinking for product innovation. We collected data of projects from four engineering firms where analogical thinking was successfully applied... [more]
Globale Innovationsprozesse: Eine Tatsache, trotz Widerständen
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/53788. (published)
Die Forschung und Entwicklung ist zu einem globalen Dorf geworden. Unternehmen, die dies negieren, werden kaum überleben.
Dodo Portfolios vermeiden
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/57031. (published)
Krisen und Rezession führen in der Regel dazu, dass Ressourcen reduziert werden. 'Lean Management' wird zum Mantra der Unternehmensberater und Top Manager. Dabei werden einige Unter-nehmen so schlank... [more]
The Role of Intermediaries in Cross-Industry Innovation Processes
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/62816. (published)
Enabling and Sustaining Exploration Activities in balanced Structures: Lonza's Approach to Controlling its Innovation Portfolio
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/62813. (published)
An Empirical Study of the Antecedents for Radical Product Innovations and Capabilities of Transformation
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Radikale Innovation ist nicht planbar wie ein Produktionsprozess
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Dem Zufall auf die Sprünge helfen
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Radikale Innovationen verhelfen zu Wettbewerbsvorteilen und können Branchengrenzen sprengen, wie die Beispiele NetJets, Hiltis Laserdistanzmessgerät, Starbucks oder Ryan Air zeigen. Eine Möglichkeit,... [more]
Subsidiary anti-nitiatives: Why do foreign subsidiaries decide to not leverage expertise to the firm?
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Research on subsidiary initiatives has focussed a lot on the positive aspects of such initiatives for both the subsidiary and the global firm. In this paper we question the underlying assump-tion of... [more]
Why don't you use it: The under-utilisation problem of international R&D
University of St.Gallen. (published)
By this paper we explore an interesting and paradoxical phenomenon: Despite firms possessing and controlling resources to conduct internaitonal R&D, most innovations still come from headquarters.... [more]
Safeguarding intellectual property rights in emerging economies: The case of factual protection strategies in China
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Many emerging economies are characterised by a weak appropriability system and the ab-sence of a strong legal system that effectively punishes imitators. In such environments, for-eign firms'... [more]
Beyond the TNC paradigm in research on international innovation
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Recent advances in international management theory as well as new empirical findings cast doubts on the explanatory validity of Bartlett and Ghoshal's para-digm of the transnational corporation (TNC)... [more]
Protection without patents: How firms in China earn rents from innovation by 'factual' protection
University of St.Gallen. (published)
In this contribution we analyse how the managers of foreign firms in China craft strategies to protect their intellectual property rights (IPR). We show that a 'mo-dernist' perspective would predict... [more]
Handbuch Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/39351. (published)
Management von Innovation und Risiko
http://www.alexandria.unisg.ch/Publikationen/39342. (published)
Corporate Incubators: Industrial R&D and What Universities can learn from them
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Gaining Leverage Effects from Knowledge Modes with Corporate Incubators
University of St.Gallen. (published)
Extreme Customer Innovation in the Front End: Learning from a New Software Paradigm
University of St.Gallen. (published)
The front-end phase of the innovation process constitutes up to two-thirds of the total cost of new product development (NPD). In response to the new open innovation paradigm, new ways to integrate... [more]
Oliver Gassmann
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