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Sunday, 4 November 2012

International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations - Volume 10, Number 2/2012

Journal Article

Steven J. Minkin1
1University of Phoenix, 1483 Kingsvale Circle, Herndon, VA 20170, USA


One approach to transformation is the use of virtual teams. This qualitative phenomenological study employed a random sampling technique of a United States Air Force (USAF) virtual team for the study's population. Interviews uncovered insights and perceptions of team members as related to the operation, leadership, and collaboration of a virtual team in the USAF. Data revealed 15 themes that may enhance virtual team operation. Virtual teams need a defined purpose and charter to maximise effectiveness. Additionally, virtual teams present unique leadership challenges including having a clearly designated leader, the leader serving as a facilitator, and choosing the appropriate leadership style. Finally, virtual teams provide an avenue to enhance collaboration, but require the proper tools to promote information sharing.
leadership, virtual teams, collaboration, military, team sponsorship, United States Air Force, USAF, transformation, team membership, communication, teamwork, charter, information sharing

Virtual team leadership and implementation in the US Air Force - International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations - Volume 10, Number 2/2012 - Inderscience Publishers

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