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Monday, 30 January 2012

M.E. Sharpe, Inc - Article

The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice


Volume 20, Number 1 / Winter 2012


39 - 58


Linking Options



Gender Differences in Trust Formation in Virtual Communities

Constance Elise Porter A1, Naveen Donthu A2, Andrew Baker A3

A1 Department of Marketing, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN
A2 Department of Marketing, J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA
A3 Department of Marketing, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA


Building trust with consumers leads to higher sales, profits, and loyalty, and gender is an important marketing variable. Yet it remains unknown whether gender differences exist in the trust formation process online. Noting the importance of social media in marketing strategy, this study explores how gender affects the process of trust formation online with a survey of 232 virtual community members. By integrating social role theory with the uses and gratifications approach, this study reveals that gender moderates the effect of managerially controlled trust influencers. Managers can use these guidelines to build trust online, considering the role of gender.

The references of this article are secured to subscribers.

M.E. Sharpe, Inc - Article

Saturday, 28 January 2012

(12) List of Publication 2010

List of Publication 2010

1. K. Dwijayanti and S. Z. Dawal. A Proposed Study on Facility Planning and Design in Manufacturing Process. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

2. E. N. Roslin, S. Z. Dawal and S. Ahmed. A Review of Facility Layout Selection Models in Manufacturing Organizations. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

3. Santy and S. Z. Dawal. Investigation on Time to fatigue for Upper limb Muscle during A Repetitive Light Assembly Task. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

4. M. A. S. M. Jalil and S. Z. Dawal. Future Human Performance Model for Malaysian Train Driver. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

5. S. J. Sartika and S. Z. Dawal. A Comparison of the Effect of Using Sit/stand Stool on Prolonged Standing Task. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

6. M. Widia and S. Z. Dawal. Investigation on Upper limb Muscle Activity and Grip Strength during Drilling Task. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

7. H. R. Zadry, S. Z. Dawal and Z. Taha. Effect of Load on Upper limb Muscle and Brain Activity in light Asssembly Task. Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientist 2010 (IMECS 2010). Hong Kong, 17-19 March 2010.

8. Ahmed A.D. Sarhan, and R. M. El-Zahry, "A Surface Index Model of Surface Roughness Prediction for Slot Milling," International Journal of Materials Processing Technology. To be published. (ISI-Cited Publication)

9. A.A. Hamdan, M. Hamdi, Ahmed A.D. Sarhan. 2010. An Optimization Method of Cutting Parameters for the High Speed Machining of Stainless Steel Using Coated Carbide Tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture. To be published. (ISI-Cited Publication)

10. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, R. Saidur, H.H. Masjuki, M. Hamdi, Influence of Substrate and Annealing Temperature on Optical properties of RF-sputtered TiO , Optical Materials, Vol. 32(6), 2010, pages 690- 695.(ISI Publication)Q2 (ISI-Cited Publication)

11. Jay Arre Toque, M.K Herliansyah, M. Hamdi, A. Ide- Ektessabi, I. Sopyan, Adhesion failure behavior of sputtered calcium phospate thin film coatings evaluated using microstractch testing, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 3, issue 4 ,2010, pg. 324-330. (ISI Publication)Q1 (ISI-Cited Publication)

12. Amir Nasser Akhavan, M. Hamdi Bin Abd Shukor, Asghar Jebalbarezi Sarbijan, 'Endogenous Growth Model for Technology Transfer through Foreign Direct Investment from Developed to Less Developed Countries , The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society (2010) (in press) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)

13. M. Hamdi, J. A. Toque, A. Ide Ektessabi, Wear Characteristic and Adhesion Behavior of Calcium Phospate Thin Films , Key Engineering Material, Vol 443, 2010, pp 469-474. (ISI Publication)Q4 (ISI-Cited Publication)

14. M.M. Hasan, A.S.M.A. Haseeb, H.H Masjuki, M. Hamdi and R. Saidur, Influence of substrate temperature on structure, morphological, and optical properties of RF sputtered TiO2 films , Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (2010) (in press) (ISI Publication)Q4 (ISI-Cited Publication)

15. L. Sisamouth, M. Hamdi, T. Ariga, Investigation of gap filling ability of Ag-Cu-In brazing filler metals , Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2010) (In Press) (ISI Publication)Q1 (ISI-Cited Publication)

16. Khairi Yusuf, Y. Nukman, T. M. Yusof, S. Z. Dawal, H. Qin Yang, T. M. I. Mahlia and K. F. Tamrin 2010,Effect of cutting parameters on the surface roughness of titanium alloys using end milling proces. Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 5(11), pp. 1284-1293. (ISI-Cited Publication)

17. K R Dhakshyani, Y Nukman, N A Abu Osman, A M Merican and J George (2010). Rapid Prototyping Medical Models for Dysplastic Hip Orthopaedic Surgery . Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B, Journal of Engineering Manufacture. Vol 224:5, pp769- 776. (DOI 10.1243/09544054JEM1785) (ISI-Cited Publication) (ISI-Cited Publication)

18. I.A. Choudhury, S.W. Gan,Nukman Yusoff,"Experimental Determination of Cutting Temperature and Force When Turning Assab Steel with Coated Carbide Inserts", Advanced Materials Research Vols. 83-86 (2010) pp 993- 1001 (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)

19. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, Commonality in Manufacturing Resources Planning Issues and Models: A Review, European Journal of Industrial Engineering (EJIE) (ISI/SCOPUS Cited Publication)

20. HAMBALI, A; SAPUAN, SM; ISMAIL, N;NUKMAN, Y; "Material selection of polymeric composite automotive bumper beam using analytical hierarchy process",Journal of Central South University of Technology Volume: 17 Issue: 2 Pages: 244-256 (ISI-Cited Publication)

21. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff,"Application of Taguchi Method to Analyze the Impacts of Common Process and Batch Size in Multistage Production System under Uncertain Conditions",European Journal of Industrial Engineering. (ISI-Cited Publication)

22. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, A review of manufacturing resources planning models under different uncertainties: state-of-the-art and future directions, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering

23. Wazed, M. A. and Ahmed, S. (2009), Extraction of fuel from municipality solid wastes using an updraft gasifier, International Journal of Renewable Energy Technology, (Inderscience Publishers, UK, in press, Published online) Published online) (Non-ISI/Non-SCOPUS Cited Publication)

24. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, A review of manufacturing resources planning models under different uncertainties: state-of-the-art and future directions, South African Journal of Industrial Engineering (Accepted). (ISI-Cited Publication)

25. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2010) SMEs; Virtual R&D Teams and NPD: a Literature Review International Journal of the Physical Sciences(ISI- Indexed), (ISI-Cited Publication)

26. Md. Abdul Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Yusoff Nukman (2010), "Commonality in manufacturing resources planning issues and models: a review", European J. Industrial Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2010 (ISI-Cited Publication)

27. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, Impacts of quality and processing time uncertainties in multistage production system, International Journal of Physical Sciences, 5(6): 814-825, 2010 (ISI-Cited Publication)

28. 2.Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S. and Zahari, T. (2009), Virtual R&D teams and growth of SMEs: a comparative study between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs, "Scientific Research and Essays" journal (ISI-Cited Publication)

29. ALE EBRAHIM, N., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. (2010), Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team, African Journal of Business Management, ISI Indexed. (ISI-Cited Publication)

30. M. A. Wazed, Shamsuddin Ahmed and Nukman Yusoff, Impacts of Common Processes in Multistage Production System under Machine Breakdown and Quality Uncertainties, African Journal of Business Management, 4(6): 979-986, 2010 (ISI-Cited Publication)

31. Chew Jouh Yeong, Zahari Taha, Yap Hwa Jen (2010). Omni- directional Vision for Mobile Robot Navigation. Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence & Intelligent Informatics (JACII). ISSN 1343-0130, Vol. 14, No.1, pp. 55-62. (SCOPUS-Cited Publication)

32. Zahari Taha, Yap Hwa Jen. Integrating 3D Model into Virtual Reality: Conversion, Modeling and Data Exchange. Scientific Research and Essays (Submitted). (ISI-Cited Publication)

33. 1.R.P. Roy, I.A. Choudhury, V. Velidandla, and S.P. Kalra, Local Measurement in the Two-Phase Region of Subcooled Boiling Flow, Proc. Conf. on Basic Aspect of Two-Phase Flow and Heat Transfer, ASME, San Diego, USA, 1992, 55-62.

34. 2.I.A. Choudhury, and M.A. El-Baradie, Analysis of Model Building Techniques for the Development of Machinability Data Base Systems, Int. Journal of Production Research, 1996, Vol. 34(5), 1261-1277.

35. 3.I.A. Choudhury, and M.A. El-Baradie, A Mathematical Model Based on Sequential Estimation for the Development of Machinability Data Base Systems, Int. Journal of Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing, 1996, Vol. 4(2), 83-94. (ISI-Cited Publication)

36. Azeddien Kinsheel, Zahari Taha,"Development of Drilling System for Orthopaedic Robot-Assisted Surgical System",Idecon2010, Melaka, Malaysia "Accepted"

37. Azeddien Kinsheel,Zahari Taha,"Identification of the Dynamic Parameters of Robot Manipulators about an Operating Point using Perturbed Dynamics",IEEE Conf. ICARCV2010, Singapore( Accepted)

38. Khairi Yusuf, Y. Nukman, T. M. Yusof. S.Z. Dawal, H. Qin Yang, T. M. I. Mahlia, and K. F. Tamrin. Effect of Cutting Parameters on the Surface Roughness of Titanium Alloys Using End Milling Process . Scientific Research and Essay, Vol. 5(11), pp. 1284-1293, 4 June, 2010 (ISI index). (ISI-Cited Publication)

39. Z. Taha, R.A Ghazilla, N. Sakundarini, J. Gonzales and H. Lelani. Eco Design In Malaysia: Challenges and Oppurtunities. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. (ISI-Cited Publication)

40. Mahidzal Dahari & Jian-Ding Tan.2010.Forward and Inverse Kinematics Model for Robotic Welding Process Using KR-16KS KUKA Robot. International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Applied Optimization (ICMSAO-2011) (ISI-Cited Publication)

41. Mahidzal Dahari and Yeo S.E. 2010. Design and Development of Aircraft Cabin for Very Light Jet (VLJ).Asia Pacific lndustrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference (ISI-Cited Publication)

42. Zahari Taha, Abdelhakim Deboucha and Mahidzal Dahari. 2010. Small-Scale Helicopter System Identification Model Using Recurrent Neural Networks.TENCON 2010 Proceeding. (ISI-Cited Publication)

Book 2010

1. N.A Abu Osman, Y Nukman, E.K Moo, ‘3D Model: An Integrated Approach’ Prentice Hall 2010

(12) List of Publication 2010

APIEMS 2010 Conference Proceedings

APIEMS 2011 Conference Proceedings

Small and Medium Enterprises and IE

Paper 128: Analysis of the Influence of Technology on the Business Performance of Rattan Processing SME�s in South Kalimantan

Paper 154: Policy Analysis and Design of Small and Medium Enterprises for Development Program

Paper 211: The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs

Paper 326: Benchmarking Implementation in SMEs, A Literature Review and A Research Agenda

Paper 364: Quality Information Sharing Using Bi-Directional Relationship Via Web-Based Feedback System.

Paper 389: A proposed framework for lean implementation in SMEs

Paper 399: Learning Curve Applications in the Pricing Strategy of a Micro-Enterprise: The Case of Tinabuan Arts and Crafts

Paper 559: A Study of New Methodology of Optimum Facility Location in Small Medium Enterprise

Paper 562: Development of Time-Dependent Queuing Models in Non-Stationary Condition

Paper 577: Developing a Monitoring and Control System Model for Assessing the Performance of the Production System of Small Scale Gold Mining in the Philippines

APIEMS 2010 Conference Proceedings

Friday, 27 January 2012

JMIR-Instructions for Authors of JMIR

Fast-Track Review and Premium Publishing

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** not including the period between Dec 23rd-Jan 1st. Days where we wait for a response of the author(s) to copyediting or proofreading requests are also not counted

JMIR-Instructions for Authors of JMIR

Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs

Nader Ale Ebrahim 

University of Malaya - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering

Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid 

University of Malaya (UM) - Department of Engineering Design and Manufacture

Shamsuddin Ahmed 

University of Malaya (UM)

Zahari Taha 

University Malaysia Pahang - Department of Manufacturing Engineering

IEMS, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 109-114, June 2011 

The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development (R&D) programs and employed virtual teams to create the greatest competitive advantage from limited labor are increasing. Global and localized virtual R&D teams are believed to have high potential for the growth of SMEs. Due to the fast-growing complexity of new products coupled with new emerging opportunities of virtual teams, a collaborative approach is believed to be the future trend. This research explores the effectiveness of virtuality in SMEs’ virtual R&D teams. Online questionnaires were emailed to Malaysian manufacturing SMEs and 74 usable questionnaires were received, representing a 20.8 percent return rate. In order to avoid biases which may result from pre-suggested answers, a series of open-ended questions were retrieved from the experts. This study was focused on analyzing an open-ended question, whereby four main themes were extracted from the experts’ recommendations regarding the effectiveness of virtual teams for the growth and performance of SMEs. The findings of this study would be useful to product design managers of SMEs in order to realize the key advantages and significance of virtual R&D teams during the new product development (NPD) process. This in turn, leads to increased effectiveness in new product development's procedure.
Number of Pages in PDF File: 6
Keywords: Virtual Teams, New Product Development, Survey Finding, Small and Medium Enterprises
JEL Classifications: Q32, Q31, M12, M1, O32, O3, O1, M54, L1, L11, M54, P24, P42, L17
Accepted Paper Series

Ale Ebrahim, Nader, Abdul Rashid, Salwa Hanim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, & Zahari Taha (2011). The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10 (2), 109-114

Nader Ale Ebrahim | University of Malaya | Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams | Department of Engineering Design & Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering



The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs (with Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, Shamsuddin Ahmed, and Zahari Taha), Industrial Engineering and Management Systems (2011)

The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development...


Work Together...When Apart Challenges and What is Need for Effective Virtual Teams (with R. R. Raval, Shamsuddin Ahmed, and Zahari Taha), Journal of Information, Knowledge and Research in Business Management and Administration (2010)

Increasingly competitive global markets and accelerating technological changes have increased the need for people to...


Critical Factors for New Product Developments in SMEs Virtual Team (with Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha), African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 4, No. 11, pp. , September 4, 2010 (2010)

Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are considered as an engine for economic growth all over...


Virtual R&D Teams and SMEs Growth: A Comparative Study Between Iranian and Malaysian SMEs (with Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha), African Journal of Business Management (2010)

This paper explores potential advantages of using virtual teams for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)...


SMEs; Virtual Research and Development (R&D) Teams and New Product Development: A Literature Review (with Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha), International Journal of the Physical Sciences (2010)

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are indeed the engines of global economic growth. Their continued...

Conference Papers


Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs (with Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, and Zahari Taha) (2011)

This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during March to September 2009. The...


The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs (with Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, and Zahari Taha) (2010)

The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development...


Virtual R&D Teams: A potential growth of education-industry collaboration (with Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, and Zahari Taha) (2010)

In this paper, we present our more than two years research experiences on virtual R&D...


Virtual Teams: A New Opportunity to Develop a Business (with Samsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid, and Zahari Taha) (2010)

Virtual teams give many advantages to organizations, including increased knowledge sharing and improve organizational performance....


Benefits and Pitfalls of Virtual R&D Teams: An Empirical Study (with Shamsuddin Ahmed and Zahari Taha) (2010)

In this paper, advantages and drawbacks of virtual teams in research and development (R&D) are...



How to increase h-index , AGM (2011)

Publishing a high quality paper in scientific journals is a halfway of receiving citation in...


How to Conduct a Literature Review, University of Malaya (2011)


EPD 2010: 3 Minutes Competition-Winner of the second prize of the challenge., Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya (2010)

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya organized "ENGINEERING POSTGRADUATE DAY" (EPD 2010) on Tuesday,...


Managing Research Candidature, University of Malaya (2010)

Ale Ebrahim, N., Ahmed, S., Rashid, S., Wazed, M., & Taha, Z. (2012). Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs Advanced Materials Research, 433-440, 1653-1659 DOI: 10.4028/
Nader Ale Ebrahim | University of Malaya | Technology Management, Virtual R&D teams | Department of Engineering Design & Manufacture, Faculty of Engineering

How effective are virtual teams? | LinkedIn

Nader Ale Ebrahim

"Global and localized virtual R&D teams are believed to have high potential for the growth of SMEs. Due to the fast-growing complexity of new products coupled with new emerging opportunities of virtual teams, a collaborative approach is believed to be the future trend. This research explores the effectiveness of virtuality in SMEs’ virtual R&D teams”. This is a part of my paper entailed “The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs” which is available online on or . It is short but worth to read it.

New blog post: How effective are virtual teams? | LinkedIn

Malaysian Expert

The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs
University : University of Malaya
Faculty : Engineering
Submit Date : 05/12/2011
Related URL:
By: Nader Ale Ebrahim

The number of small and medium enterprises (SMEs), especially those involved with research and development (R&D) programs and employed virtual teams to create the greatest competitive advantage from limited labor are increasing. Global and localized virtual R&D teams are believed to have high potential for the growth of SMEs. Due to the fast-growing complexity of new products coupled with new emerging opportunities of virtual teams, a collaborative approach is believed to be the future trend. This research explores the effectiveness of virtuality in SMEs’ virtual R&D teams. Online questionnaires were emailed to Malaysian manufacturing SMEs and 74 usable questionnaires were received, representing a 20.8 percent return rate. In order to avoid biases which may result from pre-suggested answers, a series of open-ended questions were retrieved from the experts. This study was focused on analyzing an open-ended question, whereby four main themes were extracted from the experts’ recommendations regarding the effectiveness of virtual teams for the growth and performance of SMEs. The findings of this study would be useful to product design managers of SMEs in order to realize the key advantages and significance of virtual R&D teams during the new product development (NPD) process. This in turn, leads to increased effectiveness in new product development's procedure.

Please cite as:
ALE EBRAHIM, N., ABDUL RASHID, S. H., AHMED, S. & TAHA, Z. 2011. The Effectiveness of Virtual R&D Teams in SMEs: Experiences of Malaysian SMEs. Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 10, 109-114.

Further News Information

Malaysian Expert

Monday, 23 January 2012

Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs - Production Planning & Control -

Production Planning & Control

Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs

Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs

Patrizia Garengoa* & Roberto Panizzoloa
Available online: 16 Jan 2012


Integrated product development (IPD) is gaining increased attention from practitioners and the academic community as a source of innovation and competitive advantage. However undeniable the importance of the issue is as to how the different actors involved in the process interact among themselves and the supporting factors not being well understood even in the SME context, the availability of empirical research and a comprehensive framework to drive this research remains unavailable. This article contributes to these research gaps by providing theoretical and empirical findings. First, a research framework on IPD is identified. The proposed framework represents a conceptualisation of IPD principles as consisting of three groups of integration enablers, which aim to achieve high internal (among departments) and external (with suppliers and customers) integration: (a) organisational enablers, (b) technological enablers and (c) methodologies. Then, a multiple case study approach is used in order to empirically explore external integration with suppliers in product development in 22 SMEs from the machine tool sector.

Taylor & Francis Online :: Supplier involvement in integrated product development: evidence from a group of Italian SMEs - Production Planning & Control -

The impact of accounting outsourcing on Iranian SME performance: Transaction cost economics and resource-based perspectives

World Applied Sciences Journal
Volume 15, Issue 2, 2011, Pages 244-252
ISSN: 18184952
Document Type: Article
Source Type: Journal

Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia


This paper identifies the factors affecting outsourcing intensity of accounting activities and the impact of outsourcing on firm performance in term of transaction cost economics (TCE) perspective and resource- based view (RBV) in the Iranian manufacturing SMEs. Using 658 questionnaires, our regression analysis shows that asset specificity, trust and degree of competition are key factors influencing outsourcing decision. Interestingly, our findings suggest the outsourcing intensity is significantly and positively associated with SME performance. More importantly, our findings also suggest that outsourcing intensity fully mediates the relationship between trust and firm performance and partially mediates the relationship between degree of competition and firm performance, but it does not mediate the relationship between asset specificity and firm performance. © IDOSI Publications, 2011.

Language of original document


Author keywords

Outsourcing; Professional accountant; Resource-based view (RBV) and performance; Transaction cost economics (TCE) theory

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Kamyabi, Y.; Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya, Malaysia
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